It looks like your jeep is stuck in a stampede, and you're trying to not let your vehicle get destroyed by the herd.
It looks like your jeep is stuck in a stampede, and you're trying to not let your vehicle get destroyed by the herd.
yeah, I downloaded some 2 days ago. No dice.
You say that on a site that caters to "gamers". Ok then.
Strange. My laptop came out a year and a half ago. I have the crappier GT 555m and the only game recently I've had problems running on med-high was Far Cry 3, but Hawken was running at about 15 fps maybe.
Man I wish this game ran well on my laptop. I dropped it all the way down and it just keep the framerate up. It suck's cause what i could play was great.
Why cant I like things on here? Why?
I might be remembering thing wrong but I believe Bail Organa was there when Obi-Wan talks about taking Luke to Tatooine and laying low for a while at the end of ep. 3
Sen. Organa was one of the few people who actually knew Obi-Wan was alive.
Yeah...but... the force....
I think he means he was officially dead, but hiding out, and that they could do something similar with Windu.
There's hate, then there's a line when you say something truly offensive. For me and I'm sure many others, calling for the slow painful murder of women and children is over that line. I don't get mad about much when it comes to dissing on America's foreign policy, hell I join in relatively often, but this was…
It changed while I was in a playlist so I started with the normal one and by the time I checked it again it was different. I was very confused. Also, thank you peasant. ;)
Man, I was with you till the implants thing. It was a little sexist, plus I'm just not a big fan of implants.
I concur
It should make for and interesting battle! I'll go get the popcorn!
Well, I'm going to try and stay nice and neutral on the entire subject. I just found out about her whole deal today and my initial impression towards her isn't good, but I'm don't want to ally myself with the scum of the internet.
I would like to point you to the Bro Code, Article 22:
Those were the best,weren't they?
During the Beta It was any controller that runs on xinput, so mostly just x360 controllers and some Logitech ones. They did say on the forums however that they wanted to add support for others, but I don't know if that ever happened.