Stormageddon- Dark Lord of All

Honestly, If the ending is bad it shouldn't be as heartbreaking as ME3 if Connors story has a decent conclusion

You think they'd make the change back, but this is NBC. They're god awfully stupid.

So is this only a decryption key for firmware updates, or can you use the key on saves and stuff now?

Yeah I haven't had any real bugs or anything on my pc. My fps also drops from running PhysX anyways, so I don't run it anyways

because the interviewer probably asked her about playboy?

haha. Oh wait they're serious. Let me laugh harder. HAHAHA!

Actually I think the game is a bit more mature for the reasons you stated. The world is shown as a screwed up place, and will always be screwed up. The game doesn't have Marston be the great paragon of his times that can wash away all the terrible crap in society and replace it with some idyllic version of itself.

Why have I never heard of this. It makes me mad that I've never heard of this.

If you're telling the truth, then fuck you

What MrMiltiB said, The characters are based off of a joke from ME2 and it kind of breaks lore, but overall I don't care as long as people have fun with it.

Sometimes I feel like Bioware thinks lore has no place in the SP.

I can't believe they actually did this, just wow.

That video is the center of the internet.

Scalpers are assholes because they artificially adjust supply and demand in order to make money.

Well that didn't lack respect at all.

It is, they asked 12 year old's, apparently

They seem to mess everything up, don't they?

Didn't think of that, maybe i will still get into this game. Thanks!

Yeah, I guess. I am getting a bit better with dragon warrior. I just wish there was a completely solo bot match cause i learn best from experience and trying things out.

Nope, I've been trying to play some DOTA botmatches, but there's always that 1 A-hole who tries yelling at me, but I still have no idea what I'm doing.