Stormageddon- Dark Lord of All

oops wrong spot

hmm??? I want to know more!

Cloud gaming, so I can own even less of my games...

Yes, it was about him assassinating some guy. The guy keeps begging for his life, Zero says something about serving justice, the guy asks what are you, then zero kills him.

I'm pretty sure a lot of the vladof guns are references to A Clockwork Orange. I found a couple with nadsat I recognized. I'm currently using a sniper rifle called pooshka horrorshow. It apparently translates as cannon good, or good cannon, or something.

And this is why I never sign into Google anymore!!!!

Yeah but the creepy bad kind....

I like it, but it's the fact that you have to crouch jump to make it 2 feet up onto anything that bugs me

my steam name is magyman249. I only have one friend who really plays any games on pc, and he only really plays civ and minecraft

I could go for a partner. All my friends who play Borderlands got it for 360. Who do you play as?

No, but Obama was voted in, so by proxy the American people voted to help the less fortunate, we weren't forced, and if the country feels the same as you do the democrats will be out and you'll get you're way

I swear I remember one of the animus puzzles in the first game mentioning Washington as a Templar, he could always be a double agent though...

You're the .1% then.

I miss the color from the first trailer

Do you heat that hum?

What the HELL??? Did one of the writers actually come up with that?

It was all about the grinding for him. Lvl. 100, you can walk through him with kingdom key.

Well Sony was kinda disappointing, there was only the quantic dream reveal for interesting new ip's

Well that review didn't convince me that it's a bad game at all, actually I think it might have convinced me to buy it...

I know, I purchased the right to use the content. Why should I be punished for using software I'm supposed to be able to use, no matter where it came from.