
@Maymar: Don't forget the golf course and Magna Mansions, there's plenty of grass there.

I remember watchin this with my cousin way back in the day, and then my mom found out that I had shown her the "seisure show" and she flipped out at me. Neither of us were affected though, but I don't care to watch it again. Oh and someone find the Battling Seizure Robots episode of The Simpsons, I'm too lazy to look

That game was awesome, and it actually had alot of content for the time. I think the story was something really stupid though, something about an evil doctor kidnapping your friends?

@YummyCyanide: You could always just go there for some coffee and steal a pen and then get drunk and loudly tell everyone on the plane home that you went to The Plaza for coffee and stole a pen.

@WidescreenJohn: That and the fact they will pay whatever Mr. Jobs tells them to, causing Apple products to be way overpriced.

I'm suprised making a flamethrower out of a water gun isn't on this list..

I actually really enjoy my commute, it's roughly 50 minutes each way just at the beginning of rush hour.

So it's a tag game mode... No zombies, nice try at making your game stand out though.

Stuff in my car, I'll be cold and dead in the ground before I have some retarded idrive like system in my car.

I've tried GroceryGateway which serves the Toronto area, the food always showed up squished from them cramming as much into a box as possible, the fruit was the crappiest on the stand and usually bruised.

@Bubbsdaddy: Nah, just cheap Korean animation.

@stavosws6: I like how people who look at that go and buy scalp massagers and Play-Doh.

@Clancycoop: Did you ask them to warm the probe?

So all we have to actually worry about is Godzilla related turbulence? That's a huge weight off my shoulders.

I don't think there's really any question here.. Pure foul play, taking someone's IP and reselling it?

@SkipErnst: Don't forget, the hoose always wins, eh.

@YesIWorkforGeekSquad: Yeah I'm pretty sure it's practice for the OLG to let you pick your own ticket.

@Edie Spencer: Agreed, I'm anticipating a nice day of sitting next to a roaring fire and just doing nothing for once.

@Ravey Mayvey Slurpee: Yeah my cousin up towards Sarnia spent a few days just snowed in, I like to think he was just being lazy but it has been a rough winter.

My plan is that I'm taking the day off, everything that needs to be done is done. I've got 3 days worth of firewood and I'm just gunna have hot chocolate and marshmallows, and probably go for a drive out in the woods just for the hell of it. Got some diesel for the generator and plenty of batteries, BRING IT