
@nutbastard: Snow tires are usually pretty skinny, because they try to dig as deep into the snow as possible to find grip.

@brandegee: Definately, my parents had me go to skid school as well as regular drivers ed, I feel that that should be the minimum instruction required for a licence.

@mruler360: One time the Pepsi machine at my school (which was notorious for stealing your change) took my $1.25, so I ran at it and gave it a flying kick right in the coin slot and like 6 bucks worth of quarters came out of the change slot. It was pretty much the main achievement of my high school years.

@myprozacdream: I'm pretty sure I needed fresh pants last time I had one of those white chocolate Hershey's bars...

@ReverendDexter: Agreed, I don't think these results really mean anything, except that a minority of people between ages 17-39 occasionally break the law.

@brandegee: Yeah, having recently been a teenager myself, I think a more direct approach to teaching the dangers of reckless driving is needed.

I might look into something different for my PS3, my hands are too big for the DS3.. Size wise the 360 controller is better for me, but I like having the sticks both in the middle.

@d1zzle: All of mine are on the back of desks, works like a charm AND keeps them out of reach of doggies and kitties.

@V@no: Because it's "professional" equipment.

@asalas: I think you were going for "you're stupid."

@belgiumania: I don't think anyone designed those cars, they just sort of started building them and that's what happened.

@'76Mini: Wow, it's not even funny how close that looks to it.

I mean I guess it makes sense because it couldn't work any other way, but I'm still always amazed that there's actual CABLES running under the ocean..

@wingbatwu: I fondly remember listening to shortwave radio from some country I didn't know existed while playing Risk by torchlight on the deck.

I've been seriously considering buying a camera for my car, not just incase something unfortunate happens, but to showcase some of the jackasses I have to deal with on a daily basis to the world.

@Crim Law Geek: Added incentive to make sure you're driving safely then.

@shanebotwin: Yeah I still use pen and paper for so many things, simply because my computer isn't always on and/or I'm not always at it.

@Ben Zvan: In a perfect world yes, products would all come with a free lifetime guarentee.