
Buy proper clothes for the weather. It's something I see all the time, people complaining about how bitterly cold it is simply not wearing enough clothing. I got myself a fur hat with ear flaps (best 10 bucks I've ever spent) as well as my ski jacket and some ski gloves and I'm usually perfectly toasty.

Wow and I was bitching and moaning last night when the girl only had wine or water with the in flight meal of my somewhat on time flight into Toronto, makes me feel like an ass..

@oyumurtaci: My thoughts exactly. We have these amazing machines that can travel thousands of miles in a couple of hours, so long as there isn't moisture or birds around..

@wjglenn: Well they could've turned it into good publicity if they had promptly taken care of any problems/generally not treated their customers like poo.

@shawnporter001: Yeah really, when I'm down in the city I see FAR more cyclists disobeying traffic laws than cars.

@YummyCyanide: All publicity is good publicity. I somehow doubt many people reading this site don't know what BMW is, but 200 bucks says if they didn't know before they will now.

@Settings: Having people know about your product is half the battle. When you do go shopping, you're going to be far more likely to buy something you have previous knowledge of, even if you actually know nothing about the product.

Toyota Celica for sure. It was what my mom had when I was growing up and I loved it.

@VoidingWarranties: My favorite was when the guy at the x-ray box was drawing a picture of a little house with some stick people out front.

I fucking love this. My cousin was flying home from SeaTac and she had an air mattress in her carry-on (we`re going on vacation, and she never checks anything.)

@TwoLipsAndSushi: The TSA only has the mental capacity to focus on one threat at a time, right now it`s what`s in people`s pants.

@AwwwwShiz: There`s seriously like maybe 4 or 5 types of TSA workers, they are as follows:

@Monty: Go to a tree farmé forest and cut one down yourself.

2015? No, just take the one in Austrailia and put the wheel on the other side and sell it NOW.

Sounds like a good book. I've managed to get myself to a state where I'm satisfied with my workspace over the last few months.

@Settings: That's unfortunate, I've always wanted something like this too.

@One_for_each_of_you: Yeah I have to go down a more than 5 degree slope to get the mail..

@KeyserSöze: Omg yes!!! I've got most of an 80s Mongoose and a Schwinn Stingray from the dump my dad and I restored in my parents garage. I've gotta do something with them sometime.

@mrClint: They show that linear gameplay isn't always a bad thing, and I really like that ND isn't taking their linear gameplay and trying to disguise it as an RPG or something.