@KeyserSöze: Yeah, I think most people of my generation are dating before they're driving.
@KeyserSöze: Yeah, I think most people of my generation are dating before they're driving.
Ahh I've always wanted a place like that, working by a window makes me feel like I'm not missing out on a nice day.
@Ava Glasgow: I used a tape deck thingy for a long time in my car, before I swapped it out for a new deck. I had the wire coming out of the tape hole and running under the plastic down to where the e-brake comes out and I had the connector there, it was baller.
@JDickson87: The tunnel vision that seemed to start at 80mph in Shift drove me crazy, I really don't have much good to say about that game.
@EnigmaNemesis: I agree about PGR, I do miss it. I'm basically just a sim racer, but PGR was alot of fun. It still rewarded good driving but was forgiving enough to be fun for everyone, and always had a really good collection of cars you don't see often in other games.
@MaWeiTao: I don't know where you heard that. The handling model in Shift was easily the worst I have ever played, the cars all felt like they were turning on a pivot somewhere in the middle of them.
@6stringhook: YES so fucking true, I mean girls in general are the only people dumb enough about cars to drive one but Neons usually go with the ugly/fat/redneck type.
@jogales: Yeah really, thanks for ruining an otherwise neat car lesbians and bumper sticker people!
@Kangaru: You're 100% right about all of those, except that they usually go for the 4 door, because then they have room to drive all their wonderful friends over to the health food store that is 50 feet down the road from the school.
@crackel: I agree with that, with the insanity of copyright sueing these days I just wouldn't take the chance.
@FThorn: I'm certainly in the camp who wants a serious drop in population, but I would never wish the use of nuclear weapons, ever.
@Triborough: You shoulda seen what Microsoft and Nintendo and Sony did to me for my re-enactment of when Samus met the Master Chief while Nathan Drake and Sully watched.
@infmom: UPS and Fedex are essentially the reasons I NEVER shop online unless there is no other option.
I would much rather some cash to put into my real car, that's just me though.
@Industreyal: Okay yeah I seriously want that, but a Challenger instead.
Well, it's his car, so he can do what he wants to it..
@LastAndLeast: I don't know either. It always seems to me like the home theater section of stores conforms to some other world's priceing standards.
@Maximillian: Yeah, I have a 25" and a 19", I paid about 249 for the 25.
@SilverBlade2k: Well hopefully with time the methods will be improved to the point where it is nearly 100% safe.
@grimjack28: Me too, let's just hope miss Palin finds out she has a long lost daughter in Tahiti and goes to live there forever :)