
the earliest white settlers in africa wrote back about how africans were performing pain free c sections, difficult surgeries using herbs and stuff. marvelling at how cases that usually resulted in death back in western countries werent happening here. in europe they were insisting that women had to be in pain cause

I dunno, I get excited about them. I’m slightly younger than Harry, and I vividly remember when Princess Diana died. I remember watching the funeral and seeing a kid my age trying so hard to hold it together, so I really have a soft spot for him particularly. Plus he and William both served their country. Harry

Disappointing but not surprising. There are far, far more women and girls trying to break into a ballet career than there are men and boys. I’m betting that all through their training, apart from a few standouts, the girls are regarded as interchangeable and anonymous.

Man, 29, go for it - slowly. If she pulls back, wither in embarrassment, give her a ride home in complete silence and avoid her forever. Dating is fun you’ll enjoy yourself.

She’s so sweet! Little lady, you fly that ponytail like your own personal freak flag. You do you!

Protect free speech for Jones but exclude CNN for being “rude”. Got it.

When more than a handful of people give a crap about what you say.

This rule is fair provided you make Michael Phelps and other swimmers with abnormal but natural physical attributes compete against sharks and marlins instead of humans. Let’s go a step further and make any Usain Bolt compete with a cheetah.

It would be great if the IAAF and all reporting outlets would appropriately outline the differences between anatomical sex, chromosomal sex, genetic sex (all components of biological sex) and gender. That this article is categorized under Gender Testing shows just how little the general population understands the

The British version of Grace and Frankie looks awesome! 

I hate the myth of rugged individualism because it makes people selfish and think people who are struggling are not trying hard enough. Not everyone has the same access to resources. Some places are closed to people. Honestly, working hard does not always mean you’re going to become a “success.”

Good thing he’s in the party of personal freedom* so they won’t mind this one bit.

Jackie Kennedy had good taste. Saying Air Force One is a “Jackie Kennedy color”is not an insult. In fact it’s undestatedly iconic. Since Jackie Kennedy oversaw the remodeling of the White House can we expect Trump to remake it in his own tasteless gaudy image? Every time I’ve heard Trump wants to remodel something I

Please understand that all antibiotics (and all medications) have risks and benefits, but don’t imply that “if your doc is handing out cipro for a UTI, at this point they should know better.” You also need to know the local drug resistance profile to know what you should be prescribing. Where I work, E. coli (the

As an *actual* cancer survivor, I am disgusted by this woman. She preyed on the desperate, the sick, and the dying. Because of her, people likely forewent actual evidence-based medicine in favor of her dietary “cure.”

I hated pumping so much!!!


As someone who paid to see Vampire Academy and Beautiful Creatures in the theater this is absolutely my kind of Trash, and also Matthew Goode does things to me and Lindsay Duncan is awesome. So, yes, this will be happening. Wearing a hooded sweatshirt, sunglasses, and telling no one - but it will be happening.

Things that are not happening-
This group telling people not to read her books.
Publishers not publishing her books.

It’s our history. Still out there. Just we’re no longer glorifying the bad bits and pretending they’re not that bad. Kind of like getting rid of Confederate monuments.