Very very different cities!
Very very different cities!
I like that word!
Shit, sorry, I came first
“I am Soviet super spy Boris Glue. I must infiltrate the capitalist west and show them the errors of their ways.” Follow Boris and his adventures in the new movie, 0013 The World Is Sufficient! Rated Lenin-13
I like to think that now the donor 2015 Camaro is out there rocking the 272,000-mile 1.6-liter G16 four that made only 97 HP.
Americans certainly do have a strange (read: stupid) obsession with large vehicles. I feel like my BMW E34 is the perfect size... it’s big enough to seat 4 people comfortable (5 in a pinch), but small enough that I can touch the passenger door from the driver’s seat without much of a stretch. The trunk fits just about…
With this steaming pile of automotive garbage getting a six large markup, maybe I should sell our 2012 Nissan LEAF SL for a measely $10k. Never mind the battery has lost three bars of it’s health. Nothing to see here. Fork over your money and move along. LOL
“As an M4 Sherman, I have nothing to prove.”
I had a co-worker who swore his Pontiac 6000 had a V-8 because he counted four plug leads on the front of the engine and assumed there were four more against the firewall that he couldn’t see.
Sorry, but there are plenty of good reliable cars that AREN’T snoozefests like a Toyota. My asperations are not plain buttered noodles. My favorite color is not beige, and my favorite pastime is not watching paint dry. I’m not their market. I live, not just exist.
Woman: “I have faith in God, He won’t let me crash”
Why is this article so bitter?
What the Tonka-fuck happened to the front end of that truck? FFS, next we’ll have giant dicks and balls as hood ornaments...
Can’t mention the Interceptor without this vid of The Interceptors
The US led a humanitarian mission that literally stabilized the Balkans and the CCP is currently running concentration camps, maybe this isn’t the place to insert your US intervention hobby horse.
I know. I live here.