
At only 140k and after a lifetime of eating oil at a rate my ‘84 Subaru GL with a leaking rear main seal would smugly laugh at?! What POS cars are you used to and why do you feel the need to defend them? Not only that, this is an extensive and well-known problem and they previously agreed to cover it.

Fortunately motor vehicle laws in the US currently still require brakes and steering to have a mechanical connection to the wheels. Tesla (and some other EV companies) are lobbying to go full fly-by-wire, so the next time this happens could be more interesting.

As a former Hyundai Parts Technician in the great land of Canada, they are far and away the worst brand I ever worked for. They attempted constantly to deny warranty claims for the simplest of reasons, constantly were attempting to charge back claims to the dealership for the most asinine reasons, and had some of the

Nah I can whine, especially after they told me they’d cover the cost outright. 

It was ultimately found that my Sonata was using a quart every thousand miles. Somehow Hyundai called this normal.”

As they say, the problem with dumb people is that they don’t realize how dumb they are.

The biggest problem is that there are millions more JUST LIKE HIM out there.

All of the onus is on the delivery services charging a “delivery fee” and calling this a “tip”. If you’re gonna play the card of the drivers being independent contractors, then just be clear with the consumer - it’s a “DoorDash admin fee” and the tip is actually “delivery pickup incentive”. Greater the incentive,

Short term - Just tip the fucking driver when you order. You’re already supporting the company. Support the person bringing you your food.

They must have called Elon Musk & asked what he’s naming his next kid.

My only question is what dropped on the keyboard of the Toyota branding executive who created the name for this thing and then hit Send? 

Sell them as Scions. Pretty sure that brand hasn't used up EV tax credits.

A pair of sweet shipping guards to make your Dodge look totally boss. Let everyone in the trailer park know YOU’RE the most successful meth dealer.

It’s a prototype, not even a pre production unit. It’s probably holding together with superglue and double-faced 3M tape.

Uh.... Is it also unfair to pick apart a almost 10 year old car Model S cars from Tesla now for its shoddy build quality?

Lol, no it isn’t “unfair”. Tesla showed this at a semi-public event and let people record it. How is that unfair?

This is not good! I don’t care how great Tesla is for breaking the mold and bringing EV’s to the masses. When your company is already notorious for panel gaps, you just don’t put shit like this out on display.

Boeing sold the plane with the explicit promise that the Max did NOT require new simulator training. They agreed to pay Southwest a million dollars an airplane if the FAA required it. The FAA did not.

Talk about blaming the victims.  Holy shit dude.