No b/c the world is flat...LOL!!! I believe their looking for another planet to screw up.
No b/c the world is flat...LOL!!! I believe their looking for another planet to screw up.
Tell that to Siri on my iPad v1.0
I've done a fair amount of research and there hasn't been any specific law regarding it, which is why it is considered under the same legal structures of any other product you buy (cars, personal appliances, etc) Not really black and white (since it isn't specifically specified anywhere) but the concept is pretty much…
I curse you for putting Bon Jovi in my head.
From pg 61 report, and to them I say, good luck with that. Arbitrary indeed:
" It will be legal to rip DVDs to use an excerpt in a documentary, but not to play it on your iPad."
I wonder that too... I'd love to root my Rezound and allow wireless hotspot, and have HID bluetooth enabled... >.>
Its not exactly grey, its pretty black or white. Computers, tablets and phones all fall under the same legal structures such as cars or personal appliances. If you you modify them within their warranty period, you are not entitled to warranty coverage, however modify outside of that the government could car less about…
The courts can't force the manufacturer to warranty a product if you use said product in ways they [the manufacturer] deem inappropriate. That being said, at least on iOS, you can jailbreak and if you run into problems that are warrantable, you can just restore to stock, and Apple will be none the wiser when you go in…
Ask Merriam-Webster. Telephone: an instrument for reproducing sounds at a distance; specifically : one in which sound is converted into electrical impulses for transmission (as by wire or radio waves)
I doubt that very much. It's not using a chip that provides it a voice connection via a cellular network. It's using a WiFi chip to use a data connection over the internet. Your statement is analagous to saying that MagicJack is a traditional wired telephone line, which it quite obviously is not.
"computer programs that enable wireless telephone handsets to execute lawfully obtained software applications, where circumvention is accomplished for the sole purpose of enabling interoperability of such applications with computer programs on the telephone handset."
I assume this can still break warranty? being a Razr owner on the 4th "refurb" i'm afraid to mess with the warranty.
Probably not as it only states that its legal to do so, not that the mfg. must provide you with the tools or alter the product so that you can accomplish it. Basically, it means that if you can figure out a way to do it, they can't come after you for it (a la Sony going after Comex over the PlayStation).
Exactly. No one is really gonna care what they say. If they want to Jailbreak it, they will. Plus, who is gonna ever find out that you did? Unless there monitoring you for some reason and find out you downloaded such warez.
Oh, that's an interesting question. Probably not the case though.
Jailbreaking/Rooting is still a grey area in Canada... Which means, it is neither legal nor illegal to jailbreak or root your devices. Either way, you still voided your warranty for "modifying" or "hacking" your device. Yes, you own your device, but you can't claim free repairs or replacements anymore.
'see if i care'.
So would this force motorola to unlock the bootloader on their phones?
The Digital Millennium Copyright Act outlaws attempts to "circumvent" digital rights management schemes, but…