
When a company is doing well, it's ok to infringe on it's patents for the greater good. A lot of people hate Apple but they are just a company like any other. Why bother filing a patent at all if you aren't going to do anything when someone infringes?

It's actually free if you pre-ordered the game. With Bad Company 2, every single map pack that came out was free if you pre-ordered as well I believe.

I was actually in that exact situation and my girlfriend's company/insurance provider covered domestic partnership. I think all we needed to do is have a shared bank account or something. It was pretty easy.

Yeah but didn't you read the article? You'll end up spending about $2,400 on an iphone with a standard 2 year contract. I'm sure you Vaio is much cheaper than that.

Why are people getting mad that apple is suing other companies? If you aren't going to do anything when someone infringes on a patent, why bother ever filing a patent?

It seems like that's why all the competitors are shoving out half-assed tablets into the market; They are reacting to the iPad.

I think the best explanation I could think of was this: the tablet isn't a blown-up smartphone; it's a simplified laptop. It seems like more and more people use laptops now as their 'desktop' computers. Therefore, tablet computers are now the new laptops.

Did they really "Stick its middle finger up at Apple"? Or did they decide that building an HTML5 web app would be much much cheaper to develop and maintain.

That's good to know. Best Buy employees are legally restricted from stopping me if I steal something? Let the looting begin!

Didn't gizmodo say it was millions times below the safety level just last week? I'm seeing a trend here.

Actually, when I downloaded and installed iOS 4.3 there was an option in the settings menu to turn on 4 finger gestures. Was I the only one?

Yeah OrbitalGun is right. Plus, apparently viewings from Hulu don't even count towards that. Basically what you do has no impact on whether or not a show gets cancelled.

I was wondering the same thing. That looks pretty fantastic.

What's funny is that everyone thinks they are actually eating healthy by going to subway. In reality, when you go in and order a footlong spicy italian with sauces on bread with cheese on it, you aren't eating very healthy at all. You've probably hit over 1000 calories just for lunch. Add in a large soda and a bag of

I recently found an app for coding websites called textastic. It really is fantastic, I can grab files from FTP, Dropbox, and Webdav. It so well designed it has features that I now want in my programs on my laptop! Also I'm wondering when this article was written because all the complaints about multitasking are moot

of course there is a share button on the iphone. You can share your pictures and movies vie email or MMS. I also have an app that moves my pictures and videos into dropbox as I take them. So they are on my computer seconds after I take them no matter where I am.

Haha wow. Yes thank you for that nugget of information. Obviously tablet computing has been around for quite some time but I think we can all agree that it's is a little different this time around. Those native apps weren't scaled up at launch they were the ones specifically designed for the ipad. If you included the

I completely agree. Everyone just like to hate on apple because they always outsell the competition with inferior specs. Well in case no one noticed, it's not about the specs. It's the experience that sells.

"Of course there aren't as many apps available for it; it's a first-generation product that came out literally days ago"

Why does everyone think there will/should be a camera on the back of the device? That makes no sense to me. Does anyone have a camera on the back of their laptop? That's basically what it would be like. Just wondering...