Unpopular opinion: Alyson Hannigan is quite charming, but a dreadful actress. Yes, I know she was Willow, and what I said amounts to blasphemy to some.
Unpopular opinion: Alyson Hannigan is quite charming, but a dreadful actress. Yes, I know she was Willow, and what I said amounts to blasphemy to some.
Hannigan is starring in a show called “Man of the House”... Is she though?
“I don’t know if I’m more afraid of walking on an empty street and seeing no one, or if I’m afraid of encountering…
Neither, hopefully, because every single thing he’s said or done in this piece (including writing this piece in the first place) is so far beyond the pale of anything I would ever even BEGIN to consider saying to or about a patient that the only way I will be able to sleep tonight is if I imagine him as some random…
I hated it when the doctor wouldn’t give Betty any of the news until her husband was there. And then in the second doctor’s appointment, they’re off standing to the side talking about her like a child. Infuriating.
I hate when 911 calls get posted on the news and stuff. Why are they being posted as entertainment? As something funny? She’s legitimately terrified. Someone is in her home who could harm her. They should be private calls, not up for public consumption, especially if you’re a celebrity. I don’t get it. It seems like a…
you know, your lack of subtlety really takes the fun out of "Spot the White Supremacist" game
This is some brave shit.
human treasure talks to human garbage about non humans, is a treasure, makes garbage mad.
Oh, I never knew she has eyes.
Well and back on Gawker Rich just bashed the Queen.
Everyone please pipe down, a man is talking.
We simply need two Archie Panjabis. I can't deal with this news.
Of course the important question here is which drunk female threw him off that bridge.
I read the whole thing and honestly this feminist thinks that pushing him out a window seems a little too lenient.
Ten Things About Ledes You Won't Believe - What Happened Next Will Change You For The Rest Of Your Life.
Well I did realize that I wanted to kiss girls like Willow kissed Tara, so he might be on to something. It probably has nothing to do with the fact that Willow and Tara were the first lesbian relationship I was exposed to and was finally able to identify with a character's romantic relationship. Stay classy Pat.
This is a great example of a self-defeating attempt to solve some real problems with online dating.
Planning your retirement seems boring. But whether your retirement is five years away or fifty, it's never too early…