
“Nazis in Virginia weren’t really there to protest white women’s right to be alive.” Tell that to Heather Heyer’s mom.

tbh, speaking only for me here, it’s kind of hard to see where my place is in all of it. Because I’m outraged about the whole situation, but also feel personally attacked by the terrorists carrying swastikas and chanting Nazi rhetoric. But my Judaism isn’t particularly visible, while my ww-hood is, so to feel

People are angry and are looking at someone to punish. They likely don’t know any white supremacists but they certainly know a lot of well meaning liberals. Might as well go punch an ally in the face because it will make me feel better in the short-term. 

I am very confused. Between this article and this one on The Root, I haven’t seen anybody amongst my circle behaving like this, nobody inappropriately making it about themselves. They’re all being genuinely outraged and dismissive and asking what they can do to help.

srs question - If I am a white woman who is also a Jew, am I allowed to talk about this? Or does the white part cancel out the Jew part?