Will the cube be unbroken?
Will the cube be unbroken?
"What people forget is that Tim and co. are the ones responsible for Psychonaughts and Brutal Legened"
Fuck this.
I doubt he'll remain jobless for very long. Dallas and Vancouver both need coaches, and he's the most qualified one available.
"It's not like it can be in every store branch".
I'm calling it Xbox Juan.
I tweeted this at Max Scoville earlier, but:
You can only "underachieve" if there are expectations placed upon you.
Yup, only to point out your stupidity.
Back when there were 6 teams in the league, over 50 years ago. That's like arguing, "Well my life is complete shit and I'm a failure, but my grandpa sure was cool!"
Easy to say that as a Leafs fan, as nobody expects anything of the Leafs because they've been horrible for decades.
What a bizarre stat to pull out of your ass.
Exactly, there is no excuse, Toronto is fucking garbage. Plain and simple.
They tried bringing a Cup to LA in the 90's with Gretzky and it didn't happen. Is LA buzzing for hockey now after the Cup win in 2012? This is Deadspin, do you not remember the countless articles of orange-faced fucking news anchors using wrong graphics and not knowing a thing about the team? Tampa won a cup too and…
President's Trophy, President's Trophy, Division Winner. Big step down, I'm sure next year we'll be bottom of the league.
As a Vancouverite, this restaurant has a pretty bad rap. I don't know anyone who's said anything nice about it.
No, it isn't, "Oh, the Canucks are out, better root for the Oilers", it's the lesser of many evils. It does the league no good to have a team like LA win it.