
What self respecting writer who was qualified to write about eSports would choose to write here? Other serious publications are spending real money to invest in covering eSports, this site is playing half-hearted catch up and it’s awful.

This is so fucking egregious and bad and such a constant on Kotaku. “Hey we care about eSports, here’s proof!”, proves that they don’t have writers who are knowledgeable about eSports.

As someone who works in YouTube copyright, these are Content ID claims by Nintendo, on the music featured within the game. The game features Mario music, therefore Nintendo’s masters for that same music, get detected by CID. Their CMS must have thousands upon thousands of potentials, and even more claims that get

League of Legends.

“There were not stakes at this point because Bjergsen’s entire team was dead”. I was not downplaying the stakes of the game, but the stakes of this particular fight.

This wasn’t hype and didn’t deserve an article dedicated towards it. Bjergsen was low and had no mana, against a Soraka with SV and self-sustain. Even if he had killed Soraka, it would’ve meant nothing, there were not stakes at this point because Bjergsen’s entire team was dead.

Can you tell us if the ending to Super Mario Bros is any good? The original on NES.

Great, now tally up how many hours were spent playing Assassin’s Creed games, and stack it up against the rest of the games combined.

“the dominant League of Legends team SKT, who rolled through November’s world championships”

It’s probably not the best course of action to repeatedly say something over and over again in multiple comments that you’re completely oblivious about, because it renders whatever point you may be trying to make inert. Standards aren’t slipping, accidents can happen in any line of work, and they happen in film work

People can die in the line of work in most fields of trade, film is no different. I say as someone who has worked on set, and has a degree from a film school, that safety is always the top priority on any set. But this could happen in road work, sanitation work, electrical work, logging etc. Yet those are all

As if that isn’t a lot to cover as it is, I mean this site had Kirk and Jason covering Destiny everyday for a year.

That feel when the MOBA coverage on Kotaku went from daily coverage with detailed thoughts on given topics, to two sentences on a DOTA2 meme video. Love this site, truly.

Thanks for the nightmares, Kotaku. It’s a real shame that we won’t get to see more League / DOTA / MOBA / eSports content on this site.

He’s also great as the star of the recent-ish HBO miniseries Show Me A Hero.

“Starting tomorrow, you’ll be able to download and play”

“It wouldn’t be a League of Legends character update without some new splash art!!”

And they’re failing! Why are they so sheepish to talk about their playerbase on HOTS? Is it because the numbers are very, very low when compared to their competitors, let alone their other IP’s? Yes!

RO / Huni have always been a package deal though, they both tried out for SKT, and when deciding to come to EU, wanted to play for the same team together. I doubt that would change.

Yes, you would, and you’d be wrong, to boot.