Alex Hammyton

Universe, you've done it a-gain!

Ouch, definitely middle school for me. The kids bullied me so hard I cried right in the middle of class. Still can't really explain why, just lost my shit. That was 7th grade. Fuck that was awful.

God I love Catan. I learn new strategies every time I play.

Also, X-Come:EW was on sale on the App store for $2.99 this weekend. Huge download, but now I can play on my iPad anywhere I want. I'm pretty fucking stoked.

It was on the internet.

Looks like they're driving away their best employees.

Just finished Ballard's "High Rise" and it was a lot of fun, VERY timely in today's world.

Yea I only got around 7/second, This is utter fucking nonsense.

There was a good video by Shaun and Jen (I think?) that re-edits scenes from Ghostbusters to make them tighter and funnier. I contend most 2 hour comedies can be trimmed down to a MUCH better 90 minutes or so (Bridesmaids is another great example of this).

Yea, this was weird. It's basically decided now, Vanessa wins this hands down.

Exactly, but he HAS to be aware of it, right? It's almost a cliche at this point. I was hoping there'd be some sort of self-awareness or meta humor to it (perhaps poking fun at the Woody Allen problem itself) but no, the season just kinda fizzled out.

You know, uncircumcised penises are very under-represented in porn. What's up with that?

Come with me if you don't want to live!

Agreed! I looked forward to this every Friday during the season. Fantastic.

Hands down best part of the movie.

The part where Arnold imagines punching Paxton in his laughing face is my favorite part of the movie.

Nightcrawler was just so godamn good. Christ, it's so fucking watchable, when that movie comes on I can't take my eyes off the screen. He's absolutely magnetic.


This grunt music could use some…improvement.

It's consumerism at its worst. I can understand a couple hundred bucks for a nice leather purse, but several THOUSAND for a brown bag everyone else has is just insane to me.