Alex Hammyton

Yea, the "what the fuck do we do with this property now?" is a big issue. Some have been turned into office space. I can't imagine residences, but hey, it's an idea.

We have a couple dying malls and one booming, upscale mall with ALL luxury brands and housewives who show up in Landrovers. It's…the most sad of malls.

Beat me to it. Hate you.

Fuck em? I hardly knew her!

I read somewhere they thought about letting people track how many views their posts/pictures got but then realized people would be utterly depressed because it would show how few people actually give a shit about you.

Oh cum on!

Huh. Maybe not. Damnit. My weekend is ruined.

It's a different picture at a slightly different angle, right? Or am I losing my mind here?
Edit; Yea, I see, not exact pair. I guess it's bigger? I can't tell. Fuck I just want Block and Tackle already.

Man, so glad you said this. I preach this to anyone who will listen. End your song with authority. Fading out is weak and uncreative.

I'm not sure they'd survive that well on just corn. A fuckton of shit goes into a cow's diet: vitamins, minerals, etc. I imagine their food is actually pretty damn expensive.

True story: I just received some "pre-spray freshener" you spray IN the bowl BEFORE you go, and it masks the scent as the goods drop in.
…and it WORKS. Not shitting you guys.

Three IS imodium of truth to this comment.

Exactly. I don't mind characters who are shitty people. As long as I can LIKE them or RELATE to them in some way, then it's easier to watch. There were glimmers of it in Season 1, but they just kept doubling down on the unlikeability of these characters. It was tough to get through.

Weird thing is, there will always be more old people.

"tale of two miserable Los Angeles residents"

I'm in the "confused" camp.

Every one of this guys videos gets posted here. Is he an AV Club writer or something?

Remember back when you could drop a cell phone and it WOULDN'T shatter into a million pieces? I'm a clumsy old man, damnit. Give me a flip phone!

*pushes up glasses* well technically THREE entry ports…

This would make a way better Star War.