Alex Hammyton

We can't eliminate the exhaust port, but we can diminish the effects of it.

Laugh it up, but I thought the idea of a super weapon to bring galactic peace was a compelling plot idea that Rogue One dismissed as quickly as it was brought up.


Paul Rudd: The Nerd Years.

Is it really? I feel like I've seen that center dish as the "front" of the Death Star other places. Weird. Why do I care again?

I wondered the same thing in Rogue One. Like, it just kinda appears in the sky. I know the answer is "it's magic" but it looks too silly in my mind.


No, porn superstar Levi Steele.

It'd weird, as protectionism is usually a Democratic Party issue (Sanders would tend to agree with this) and free, open markets are more Republican. Trump has flipped the script, and suddenly Democrats are denouncing protectionism and Republicans applauding it. It's bizarre. See also: Iraq War.

Wow, this nails my thoughts perfectly. PERFECTLY. And I'm not quite as upset by the "shock" content as I am that the game gets stale quickly and rarely requires creativity. Whereas Apples to Apples, definitely branded as a family game, is just so much more fun because the humor requires connecting different generic

What I noticed was they actually added/dropped different episodes each month. It's actually a pretty fucking brilliant platform for MST3K - you could never upload EVERYTHING but giving us a few episodes at once could stretch the content for YEARS. But no. We can't have nice things.

It could have just been George Michael in college shenanigans.


Yea, this is the correct way to go.

They had old episodes for a long time, not sure when they dropped off but it was a glorious time.

Some roles, like Jackie Kennedy, are gonna get a nom almost regardless of the actress. I mean, Portman was fine, she looked the part and acted well, but I would still pick Amy Adams.

I don't know about you guys, but I love people who are passionate about mundane things like this. Good on this guy.

Ah, thanks. Hey, that comment section is even MORE fun!

I don't really like this game. At all. It's like Apples to Apples but doesn't require ANY creativity or thought, simply banking on shock value and novelty that wears off after a couple playthroughs.

Damn "The City & The City" is so so so good. I like to recommend Perdido Street Station as a good place to start with Mieville, but his take on the detective noir is perfect, so it's also a good entry point into the "less" weird of his works.