Alex Hammyton

Good to know, I'll check it out.

But Amanda Waller put the crew together!

Hyperion is one of my favorites. Basically, it's a sci-fi take on The Canterbury Tales, but damn, it has a LOT of depth and emotion. The first story alone (The Priest's Tale?) is worth reading. And the Shrike is just badass. I'm not sure Simmons ever reached that peak, but I bet someone else can tell me otherwise.

Just finished "The Girl in Cabin 10"…a pretty decent Hitchcock-ian mystery. Didn't quite live up to all the hype but enjoyable nonetheless.

"Hello darkness my old friend…"


Primanti's is bland sober-up food. IC beer is tasteless pisswater.

I'm with you. I love talking football nonsense on days like this. Gonna be fun to zone out on Sunday.

I've thought this for awhile. The production quality is incredible. Just gorgeous to look at. The actors are chewing the hell out of every line. But by God, is the story utterly nonsensical. It really is totally dumb pulp.

But weirdo has a hot girlfriend!

Over/under on minutes before Nance brings up Bell/Blunt pot-smoking reunion? I'm gonna say sometime before the end of the first drive.

FUCK YOU, IT'S FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's what I love about Rodgers and the Packers. So hard to hate. Even when they beat my Steelers in the Super Bowl I was like "aw, shucks, good for them!" Patriots are the opposite: soooo easy to hate and sooo easy to be bitter about losing.

Exactly, but this defense isn't even GOOD like years past when Brady STILL torched them. I just can't envision a scenario where Steelers win, unless Brady gets hurt or some kind of special teams disasters.

It was such a perfect game-winning situation. If he misses, it's still going into overtime, so the pressure is actually pretty low. Those situations seem ideal to me.

Welp, onto (another) AFC Championship game go my Steelers. Although I noted a couple weeks ago Brady has owned the Steelers over the years, it’s pretty crazy Brady and Ben have only met once before in the playoffs (way back in 2004). Since 2000, the AFC Championship has featured Brady, Ben or Manning all but ONE time.

Agreed, "Predator in the city" is such a good sequel idea. I want to see "Alien in the City" next! Or "Raptors in the City".

Predators was good. Minus the rape joke about halfway through.

Yea, I always hear the "Safety" excuse. Like, don't drive like a fucking asshole and you'll usually be fine.