Alex Hammyton

I think the Mad World thing came more from the Gears of War trailer, right?

See, I notice the opposite, I have two D&D buddies who are competitive bodybuilders. I've heard the same from other groups of friends too. Not sure if it's a compensation thing, but I wouldn't be surprised if many competitive beefcakes were actually closet nerds.

I hear you, I'm the same way, and I feel bad for people (some whom I love dearly) who are terrible at conversational humor, the flow of laughter stops cold when they start talking. It's cringe worthy.

You outta know.

But is it REALLY ironic?

I agree with this so much. There was a REALLY GOOD movie in there somewhere, with some cool ideas. I liked the very first confrontation when Krennic is explaining a super weapon will bring peace to the galaxy. And he's sort of right! Dig deeper into that! That's an interesting dynamic!

I liked Adam Driver a lot. I think the number of people put off by his role in Girls in incredibly small (I've heard of girls, but never watched it, I have only one friend that watches it regularly). I think he has a cool look too, not "generic handsome Hollywood guy". I'm biased though, I wasn't crazy about Rogue One.


Reskinning Monopoly is the easiest moneymaker. Requires minimal creative though or changing of gameplay dynamics. It's like "X TV Show Trivia Game".

The Kardashians aren't high society. They are the modern day court jester. They get to hang out with royalty while being mercilessly mocked.

I hope they don't use the internet hatred as a marketing campaign like Ghostbusters did.

Yea, I like how the characters are slipping and sliding on the floor, it's not graceful at all, exactly how I imagine that kind of fight would be.

Something something disprove Trump golden showers?

Good call, good call.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the movie on the whole, but it sucks when you can see something really GOOD through the mistakes.

-The first hour was a disjointed, confusing mess.
-Many characters had interesting backstories (Forest Whitaker, the defector pilot) but were never really explored.
-Jyn Urso lacked charisma. Daisy Ridley was amazing. Felicity Jones was not.
-Fan service was ridiculous and took me out of the movie several times.

Cassian should have been the pilot. Why is the pilot even there? I get he gave them some secret info or something, but they never even explored his time with Jyn Erso's father. Total waste.

Yea! That was really good! Unfortunately, it as all kinda downhill from there.

Yea, I don't understand why they didn't just rip off SOME of the music. Like, just add the Imperial March for the Vader scene. Who gives a shit, it's effective.

“Figrin D’an the kloo horn man…he’s from Clak’dor VII!"