Alex Hammyton

The A.V. Club:
Just shoveling tubes of meat sweeping into our mouths.

Damn, I'm late, gotta ketchup.

Yea Wegman's is unquestionably one of the best grocer's in the country. Wish my city had one.

The Wegmans in Erie is better than anything in Pittsburgh. Figure that one out.

I'll def wear this ironically.

Dak Prescott.

No, no, no, fuck Fandango gift cards. Here's why.

Let's see the birth certificate.

I saw this promo last night during KC-Pitt game and it looks funny as hell. I'm totally sold. Mocking DC is only icing on the cake.

I'm hoping for major rain/snow in NE next week to equalize the passing game, so then it can be decided by Bell v Blount, former team maters and pot smoking buddies. We can call it the Pot Bowl or something clever!

You more worried about KC or Pittsburgh? I think Pittsburgh is the better team overall, but they ALWAYS matchup poorly against NE. Pittsburgh has a terrible secondary this year and their best player on defense is 38 year old James Harrison. I think Steelers squeak out a hard-fought victory against KC but lose in a

This comment is as good as anything on the internet…

LOL @ BBQ menu….no, I'm pretty sure the playbook IS just a BBQ menu.

I know, which is why it's so fucked up the NFL uses him as such a public figure: "See everyone? Check out this guy. He's so lucid and articulate. DEFINITELY no brain damage here! Totally safe!"

Just looked it up and immediately thought "Dodgers Logo Drawn by Five Year Old"…yikes it's bad.

I love and respect Dak Prescott, but be warned Cowboys fans, no rookie QB has ever started in (let alone won) a Super Bowl. Trust me, I was so high on Roethlisberger his rookie year (remember, he won 15 straight games, losing to Patriots in the AFC Championship). So keep your expectations in check.

But look at him down on the field! Hanging out with the players! He's so engaged and relatable!

Agreed, people speculating about Texans winning are out of their godamn minds.

Aikman lives his life like Leonard from Memento. He lives in 15 minute chunks of incoherence, constantly surprised by everything around him.

Is it me or does it even LOOK better? The angle, resolution, camerawork…it's just a way better production.