Alex Hammyton

My Steelers laid the smack on the 'Fins (Anyone see that 85 yard drive consisting entirely of handoffs to Leveon Bell? Fucking beautiful) and are going to KC. Big Ben was in a boot after the game cause Tomlin is a terrible coach and makes terrible decisions, like keeping the starters in when the game was basically won

The entire marketing campaign felt really tone deaf to me. It was a tragic act of terrorism, absolutely, but the police militarization was completely insane. Is that really the imagery we need right now? Ick.

Goodfellas is so damn good. That opening scene where Joe Pesci is stabbing the guy in the trunk that wasn't dead yet…that shit just sucks you right in and doesn't let go.

Max Payne was basically one big homage to John Woo style action. I think of those as straight up John Woo games.

CGI Leia is stylistically designed to be that way and you can't undo that. But we can diminish the effects of it.

Been thinking the same thing - holding off on XBONE - hoping it drops below $200 before this comes out.

I honestly thought that's where the movie was going - like you could only understand the two aliens as a single entity, and Amy Adams and Jeremy Renner would somehow have to bond or something to communicate back. But that might have been too weird and heavy.

Jesus those endnotes! Reading that was more a chore than any sort of pleasure.

Apple has $11 billion in cash on their balance sheet. $11 billion. They can basically just conjure whatever the fuck they want out of thin air. It makes sense their strategy seems to be "hang out and wait for someone to do something innovative then crush them like a fucking bug."

I don't wanna go all Trump "She completely changed her look!" but yea, she didnt look like Lindsay at all.

Always excited for something new from China Mieville, but his last few works didn't really do anything for me. Will still read this though.

I'm 33, no kids, two incomes, one dog, and it is fucking GLORIOUS. SO MUCH MONEY AND TIME.

Yea, I'm VERY nervous about the MST3K reboot. I love the people, but I dunno, it just feels like riffing on old movies is…kinda a dated thing? There was a time and place for it, and I think it's passed…

I came here just to find this reference and upvote it.

This knocked my gloves off.

Haha, now that you mention it I remember some of my elementary school friends birthdays as well. It's weird how important and amazing they are when you're a kid. Once I hit middle school (i.e. puberty?) I guess I stopped giving a shit about anyone else.

How do you feel about the dozens of generic "Happy Birthday!" messages you get on your Facebook wall? (I say dozens as if I have more than three friends)

I had some tissue removed in my colon, they put me to sleep, but I could still FEEL the fucking knife in me. I told them that when I woke up and they were like "Uh, whoops." I was fine, but still, a pretty terrifying situation. I can't imagine how often that shit goes wrong.

Does anyone remember anyone else's birthday if not for Facebook? I know my nuclear family, and that's…about…it.

That's just SO WEIRD to me. It's like saying "I won't eat any vegetables unless cooked"…I mean, there's sooooo many kinds of cheese! Blue, brie, cheddar, parm…something has to be appealing, right?