
I am also here just to watch people get big mad. Don’t mind me. 

On the customer end, the benefits of this machine could mean shorter wait times and even more potential for order customization, like having a drink made to the exact color you prefer. This could play out in a number of ways; maybe customers will be able to ask for a drink with an indigo-colored base and gold

Just move along if it isn’t a big deal. Seems simple. 

Okay. Everything is fine then. Better? No. 

I read the article. Quesadillas are supposed to be App/Online only. If they order it in line you say no. Problem solved. Right? Seems like a nothing burrito. 

Good. They’re not. 

Article presumably to make us feel bad and sorry for the artist does the opposite. (for me personally) It’s a job, they turned it down and tried to farm clout on the internet. Not really much more too it than that. 

So brave.

Some of you really need to get a grip. All of this fake outrage is so overplayed. Get over it. Grow up. Go outside. 

Shhh, that doesn’t fit the narrative.

Where are you getting a Coke for 5 dollars? It’s over that price around here for the minor leagues. Businesses are going to business I suppose. 

You underestimate how stupid people are. 

IMO, worst looking new vehicle on the road. The whole thing just seems off.

you guys don’t even try anymore do you? 

CarFax and AutoCheck are clean actually. 

They’re not even trying to journalism anymore. 

A lot of them just want something to be mad about. Which is fine. You are correct however. It’s tiring. 

I think this reply says a lot more about you than you were intending. 

It appears you are the one with the  masturbatory fantasies about this but go off king. 

A lot of you are more pro-abuse than I would have thought. Learn something new every day I suppose.