Alex Francis

I was going to suggest going back to puppets/animatronics, but your idea is way better.


I would gladly perform at Jabba’s Country Western Bar for the rest of my life for a copy of this.

Surprised more people didn’t reach 100% galactic readiness. Also, really bummed out now because I just remembered Mordin’s death scene...:’(

Yeah, you should have left your trolling with the first message, now you're just fishing.

Oh wow! No one has ever thought of this before!

I think I got the biggest laugh out of Alaska, with the #10 being Lisa Ann, star of Nailin’ Palin.

I share your frustration. I play League of Legends with friends all over the country, but I could sit down for 2 games, and 2 hours could have gone by. It’s such a time suck for not near as much of a payoff as putting a dent in your library.

Comic *spoiler*

I was thinking we might get a bit of fan service, and that *spoiler* Tyreese might be the one to put down the Governor, instead of vice versa.

Just be sure to shoot where they're going, and not where they are.

The BEST entertainment interview I've ever seen.

I always wondered how the Winchester brothers were ever able to use their hands. The amount of palm slicing in Supernatural is baffling.

Can we get a video of Duke students trying to rush the court a couple weeks ago and Coach K stopping them all with the force?

Man, Curiosity really digs taking selfies. I'm just dreading the teenage years, when duckface and gang signs start showing up.

Surprising sorrow? or Eternal Nightmares!!!!?

I"m actually glad someone beat me to that one.

How could you forget the greatest acting coach out there, Billy Dee Williams! Also, Michael Ironside.

Looks good, can’t wait. I will however be accidentally hitting that share button waaaaay to often.

So, we heard you liked jerking it...