Alex Francis

And that’s why I never went to an App St bball game.

I like how he specifically calls out CoD fans when mentioning achievements, even though Black Ops 2, from what I’ve read, has been the first CoD game to feature online achievements. I’m also pretty sure that most CoD fiends couldn’t give two craps about achievements.

Except a kid doesn't beat another kid to a bloody pulp during a shower scene in Spy Kids. The other thing about Spy Kids, is that those were BAD child actors.

But is it a fruit or a vegetable?

I don't get people's mentality when it comes to food. Waffles and bacon: Fine; Waffles and Sausage: Fine; Waffles and Eggs: Fine; Waffles and Chicken: GROSS< WHO WOULD EVER?!?!?!11

Man, did this POTATO CHIP REVIEW really get you that worked up?

"Marijuana Smoking Lab"

I like this idea. Heady high vs body high are two way different trips to the grocery store.

Should have given it some time. They've worked out their playlist kinks a bit, the Mech is fun, aaaaaand.... no more fucking armor lock

Hell no! Meteor strikes though, that's different.

There is a native Moonican, walking the Moon desert, crying.

Nailed it!

This one, it wins.

I’m really interested to know why you’re skeptical.

Did the meteorite actually make impact? Or did it just blow-up over the city. I have yet to see a video of an actual impact, but I keep hearing words like “hit” and “impact"

I would have to assume not from the US or didn’t grow up with a TV.

I really enjoyed Lost Odyssey. The only thing keeping it from being my favorite JRPG, was what I liked to call, “story time.” Sometimes, those pages of text telling backstory really killed the flow of the game for me. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy reading, I would just rather not be doing that much reading while also

I just want to confirm that it is all of retail that experiences bizarre/unruly/ ignorant customers.

I see what you’re saying, and I completely agree with you. People who rent aren’t buying, they are just scoping out a title. HOWEVER, I said nothing about the nature of the user, I was just making the point (which is apparently difficult to comprehend) that no used games = no rentals; unless of course we starting

I try to avoid using the G word in posts, even if the article is specifically about them. Solely because of the stigma that accompanies that company.