Alex Francis

I’m part of the 60%, and I’m 100% shocked that there are actually people trying to defend this “no used games” BS. I’ve read some seriously whack comments down here. “I don’t think the secondhand game market is that prevalent;” “just download the demo if you want to try a game.” Seriously people, if there wasn’t a

If “secondhand games” didn’t have a big market, then Redbox games never would have existed, and Gamefly would have gone out of business long ago.

So how clever do you feel now?

Yeah, drawing and inking 30 panels is SUPER lazy. Also, he's got quite a few references throughout, even Todd from Pokemon Snap/show! It would appear that he did do his research.

You said badly. Yet originally, you stated inaccurately. These are obviously not "bad" drawings, they are quite good in fact. They are, however, a little inaccurate. If you can't handle the artistic interpretation though, then maybe these "grown-up" comics aren't for you.

I'll eventually get the upgrade, but the 360 launch consoles taught me better than to be an early adopter, maybe I'll switch it up and get the PS4 first.

I love the flames you have called forth. Thank you for the entertainment.

If you have any knowledge of firearms, which people should if they're going to argue so heavily, then you could tell after some simple observation that this is not a real.

I'll never understand why people who sit on their computers and complain all day have any room to judge other people. More power to her, and I quite enjoyed her 'Milkshake" reference.

My copy of Ni No Kuni literally just grew a mouth and arms, and then proceeded to point and laugh at this article.

I've never played Amarr, but I've always enjoyed their light shows.

It’s a comedy. Comedies don’t take themselves seriously. Comedians, don’t take themselves seriously. They’re not expecting you to take them seriously. So stop taking them, and yourself, so seriously. Just lighten up and laugh a little, you’ll live longer.

Gotta be trolling right? That or you never actually played ARMA 2 Day Z

All you have to do, is figure out Google analytics, and ad revenue, and you're golden.

NMH is definitely in my top 10.

I don't play any ranked queue in LoL, I'm strictly in it to have fun. That being said, it's really frustrating, in a game where matches last from 20 mins to 45+, when people begin squabbling over something stupid in the first 5 minutes.

Tons of replies, and I don't feel like sorting through them all. I realize that with the plethora of options, it's tough to fit all the baddass dragons. However, I'm probably not the only one here that thinks Nicol Bolas deserves a place on this list.

Yeah, because expansions/dlc have never been sold on PC before....

I adopted the PS3 about 3 years into this current gen. I currently have 360 and PS3, and except for the PS3 exclusive titles, mine has become nothing more than a blu-ray player that I can play PS2 games on .Seeing that this gen of consoles has lasted almost a decade, I’m a bit curious as to why you have yet to

Lots of defense in the comments for the game.