Alex Francis

First off, Plague Inc was not the first of it's kind. In fact, the creator even says his major influence was Pandemic 2. I'll go ahead and list a few differences anyway. 1) 17th century England, probably won't be battling against airplane and ship filtration systems, or global first aid. 2) You're playing a character


For such an upbeat and optimistic show, it had the saddest finale of any show I've watched.

I hope you limbered up before that stretch.

I feel like someone is always talking about it in this country. I also remember seeing a website with new potential bill designs, but that was probably 3 years ago. Also, you're asking a country that has a hard time evolving the way it thinks about its heritage, to change its heritage. I would love for us to see new

See, fun game. I also think the OP comparing it to PGR , is making a pretty dumb comparison. One is more of a racing sim, the other allows you to shoot people with light weapons. Battle racing and sim racing, two different categories. So if you don't like to use weapons during your racing, you most definitely won't

Too each there own, people still play blur online til this day. I have fun with it, and I know many others that enjoyed it as well. The multiplayer community, sadly, is dwindling.

Man, I was expecting so much more...

Looks like Dick Roman from Supernatural. Who in turn reminds me of Christian Bale in American Psycho.

Grover was Scut Farkus's sidekick. Some more Christmas Story trivia: The song that plays the first time you meet Scut, is from Peter and the Wolf; and farkas is Hungarian for wolf.

I would gladly purchase it legally if itunes had a purchase option, rather than charging TEN DOLLARS for a rental.

I just recently found out that the Paperboy is the kid who played Grover Dill in “A Christmas Story"

You sir or ma’am, are a crazy person.

I was wondering that same thing. The writer ( or another oblivious defender) even stated in those comments that the time frame was not made clear in the movie. Except it was, on multiple occasions.

FCS is so much better. Stupid bowl games...

That’s what I said. It confuses me, and is the only of the GIFs that I’ve looked at for more than 30 secs.

Most definitely A. I'm also pretty sure that I learned about Homonyms and their ilk much earlier than either Freshman year. Which could be why I had to Google it. Also, was just clicking pics at the bottom of I09, and did not notice I was on deadspin, or I would have realized how punny your joke was. Instead, I just

If only there was someway to describe words that are spelled the same, but have different meanings...

I commend you for your convictions Jeremy, and I shun all the people on this site that lack adult level reading comprehension.