Alex Francis

Every depiction of a man in most comic books is just as unbelievable. You don't hear us bitching. It's not like these comic book artist are drawing your mother with huge chests, pouty lips, tight pants.

Than the series? That's a lie.

If you really have that big of a problem putting $5 down on a game to get a pretty neat online game, then you probably shouldn't be spending your money on video games anyway. I can understand people complaining when different retailers offer different pre-order bonuses, but this game is available to anyone who

Dammit, where's Flexo when you need him?

This is what's wrong with our country. Not the President, not the Senate, not the House, but this. People rushing to a retail store like hyenas discovering an elephant corpse. People literally pushing and shoving fellow human beings out of the way to get amazing deals. Most deals aren't that amazing, they're just

THere is no mention of that lack of confidence until the last sentence, which kinda confused me. What else confused me was waiting 2 F*%#ING MONTHS to call back the supposed girl of your dreams. I don't feel bad for you,

This is all such bullshit. Don't go out alone, don't go out with your friends, don't eat at home, don't eat out with your friends, don't eat the free meals provided to you at home, don't spend money at bars.


If you were to pet that cat, you would be putting more pressure on it than that crane does. If you've ever played (or tried to play) with a cat, you've annoyed that animal more than this...

If you think this is animal cruelty, you have never owned a cat, and you have never played a crane game.

I always thought along the same lines. Every God of War game has a sex mini-game; and whether or not you actually see the coitus , you still get topless females within 5 minutes of starting the game. The Hot Coffee mod was not accessible by everyone, because not everyone ( especially 10 year-olds with irresponsible

True, but in the God of War mini-game, you get topless girls in a much better looking engine than with San Andreas; hell there are even topless enemies that show up throughout the game. Plus, you're rewarded for your carnal relations in God of War, and you don't even have to know how to mod.

Be happy that you have a job and are getting paid holiday time. Be less pissed that you have to work, and more pissed that capitalism is ever infringing on our holidays. I remember when I was a kid, absolutely NOTHING was open on Thanksgiving. Now it's just another day in the retail world.

I actually used the DMR in almost all my SWAT matches, and usually end up in the top 2 because of it. However, last night I finally decided to switch over to the BR and I wrecked people. It definitely does not have the long-range capabilities of the DMR, but it is oh so satisfying to get a double kill with one trigger

I call BS on the moving your body along with the on-screen avatar. I've been doing this since my days of Pilot Wings 64. I don't do so much turning, but I'll lean all over the place if I'm flying or driving.

I always read the instructions, if the game actually comes with any. Most good instruction manuals have some lore you might not get in the game, plus you already know how to play before you turn the game on.

Wow, I didn't even think you would have time to read all 30+ responses, especially if they all told you the same thing. I, mean come on man, the post that the paragraph in questions was originally in, was written in 2010, and the game in question, came out in 2007. I'm not sure how everyone telling you to get over it

I read that line in the article, and just KNEW there would be someone complaining about spoilers. A) As everyone else has said, way outside the spoiler tagtime, B) If you want to play a game series, and see a paragraph talking about death and that game series, then don't read that paragraph, and C) that paragraph

I'm sorry. I'm not a parent, but the first moment that kid mouthed off back to me, I'm going downstairs, flipping the breakers, and going to sleep. Little shit, hope he got a red ring for Christmas

I'm not sure about the EU info, but US Alli pamphlets advised that you bring a change of clothes with you to work.