Alex Francis

Not sure if trolling or Halo hater. Of course a video about ART DESIGN is going to be boring, what were you expecting. It's not like the headline said "Take a Good Look at these Action Packed Halo 4 Multiplayer Clips."

Calling Halo unoriginal huh? About a decade too late to that party. I will refer you to the line at the end of this video, "good game design is evolutionary, not revolutionary."

These depictions are no more sexualized than their in game counterparts. If you want to blame someone, don't blame the website or the artist, blame the source of inspiration.

Don't understand the hate in the comments, this is robot chicken writing, with different graphics. What I watched up top was chuckle worthy. Looking forward to more

It's got the mop-top and everything.

It's funny that you bring up the kinect, because that doesn't seem to be the selling point at all. In fact, the video even shows us an image of the player wearing a headset.

It's comical how un-subtle those character rip-offs are.

I'll have no problem not buying this. I will however, download it for free.

Wrong, hexic HD beat yaris by a longshot.

I can safely say...

I haven't seen it yet, and I didn't think they went to Mars, but I couldn't get an answer out of anyone. They shouldn't have even called it Totall Recall.

Totally a toy, pretty sure they sell these at wal-mart for a buck.

Looks like Luke is planning to meet up with Doc later..

That's ok, I mistook Luke for Marty McFly.

And that's it. You are, as I stated, awesome. Thank-you.

So this reminds me of a game I played on the PS2 almost a decade ago. It took place on a moonbase, may have been Japanese in origin, reminded me almost of Fatal Frame in space. There was no shooting, and not a lot of action, just interacting with ghosts, and trying to figure out what happened to the station. I had a

I too have a story to tell:

The massive dent that appears after that roll down make me a little nervous about its integrity.

Plus, his hand is completely off the machine during a tone or 2.
