Alex Francis

And that's it. You are, as I stated, awesome. Thank-you.

So this reminds me of a game I played on the PS2 almost a decade ago. It took place on a moonbase, may have been Japanese in origin, reminded me almost of Fatal Frame in space. There was no shooting, and not a lot of action, just interacting with ghosts, and trying to figure out what happened to the station. I had a

I too have a story to tell:

The massive dent that appears after that roll down make me a little nervous about its integrity.

Plus, his hand is completely off the machine during a tone or 2.


I have a buddy that runs it in bootcamp, works fine for him, and he;s on a laptop.

Well, there's no arguing with that. Good day to you sir.

You're an angry elf.

If you have yet to read any of the material on the Day-Z mod, you should know that most of it is running around looking for supplies and people. If you are going to kill zombies, it's done the way they do it, by bottle necking them in a doorway. Short version: not mind melting excitement all the time.

Why not? If a child can actually learn to play this game efficiently, I say more power to them. But also, definitely not a child.

Glad I'm not the only one that thought this.

Maybe if this D&D manual were even relevant at this time, or if the "Parody" had anything to do with D&D, I would agree with you. Also, I, like most of the comments I've read, are more upset about the blatant, crappy rip-off for what it is, a rip-off. Not so much hate on the political parties involved.

14 minute time delay, says it right up there in the article.

What silent said. It's obviously not for you if you feel that way about it. It's an alpha build for a mod, so it's also going to be wonky.

You are correct sir.

Well hopefully this will brighten you up. I heard a story about a father and son who started paying for a Minecraft server. As they explored and built on their world, they begin to uncover structures left behind those who originally owned the server. Just thought that was neat.

That cat better not ruin my credit!

It's more than minor suffering. Also, if you value your couch more than your cat, don't get a cat.

Scratch that, just read one of the links stating that a federal agent said he bought a ticket, then left and propped the door open himself.