Alex Francis

He's got the top-hat and everything, but they couldn't give him a proper Daniel Day Lewis mustache? That's just poor judgement right there.

@FauxFilms: I don't know why no one else has commented, but this is a pretty excellent video, nice work sir.

They should just rename Lost "We're Gonna Mind Fuck Your Brain Out of Your Head"

@Baconrath: SO I typed in Define: Republic, into a google search, and this was the first definition that popped up . Democracy: a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them

@ubikblack: Dante's doesn't make since to me since it's already based off of literature. Deadspace's however was quite neat, the comics+movie+game told the full story, and I thought it worked pretty well. The animation was kinda goofy for the movie, but it worked

@chrollo0427: I don't see any gay photo shop jokes yet, so if it does happen, I'd say you'd be the one to blame for bringing it up.

Penny Arcade cracked me up because me and a buddy had that exact same conversation after reading about the D&D prison issues.

@Batousi: I should have just said "I'm tired of Courtney Love being a dumb bitch," but who isn't?

How did they "Fuck Kurt." They portrayed him playing his own songs. The Spice Girls reference that Love makes is epic stupid. However, had this actually happened in the game, I

@aNiMeMaN14: Yea, but GTA isn't solely about stealing shit, and most of the things you do "steal" in GTA are just in a car you have to jump in and just drive off.

@Abyssalstar: You'd have to play or know what Shadow of the Colossus is to comprehend that one.

@serotoninzero: And I'm not saying that you shouldn't buy it on Blu-ray. His theory just doesn't make sense to me. If you don't think a movie is good enough to see in theaters, then why wait around for the months it's going to take to come out, and then drop $20+ on something you aren't even sure you'll like.

@jacquio: I live in NC, and pretty much every theater I've been to has $6 matinee and $9 evening tickets. Cheaper if you're a college student or senior citizen. It's even cheaper if you find a theater that's about to go out of business. Same with SC to my knowledge.

People are to uppity about there movies these days. I mean the cast is great in my opinion, all of those guys have been extremely funny at one time or another.

I'll agree with this. I mean, like Adhominem said, I've run into some mouthy pricks on both services, but XBL does tend to have more annoying kiddies. I believe the console price does have a lot to do with it.

I was really, really, really looking forward to this game. Then I played the demo, and now I hear that there are invisible walls? I'll probably still rent it, but I'm not going to be happy about it.

@ McWhertor if you haven't seen paranormal activity, it'll definately give you a good scare. No gore, and a very minute amount of blood, but still creepy as shit. It's the first movie, maybe since the uncut original Exorcist, that gave me that chilled feeling for a couple of days.

@normandygahn: I disagree. Link's Crossbow Training was essentially a gimic to get Nintendo's Wii gun set-up out there. Miyamoto himself even said that he didn't want it to be your full on Zelda game, and the initial name of that game was literally "Introduction to Wii Zapper".

I thoroughly enjoyed Luigi's Mansion, it's probably in my top 5 Gamecube games. If a sequel does come out, I'm going to have to find someone with a Wii.

Worst. Journalist.Ever. Do your research man, it's what you went to school for. I'm glad he berates himself for it at the end of the article.