Alex Francis

@Slatz_Grobnik: This was the argument that I was going to make. It doesn't matter whether or not you can make enemies surrender if there is no motivation to make them surrender.

It looks like a weird meat dumpling with some cheese it, but that pac-man skin makes it look like a candy coating. I'm sure the filling is along the same line as a Hot-Pocket.

I see plenty of people talking about how 3D has been around since the 80's. If our society stopped working on a piece of technology solely because it existed in a previous decade, then I would still be playing the atari on a 10 inch black and white TV, and would have to build a completely separate room on my house

@LordThayer: Agreed, The Rocketeer is excellent.

@Orionsaint: " Over the course of my first 16-hour play through of the game," reading is educational.

Picked up Red Faction: Guerilla yesterday, tgat sgiykd get some play this weekend

@System_Zero:The new bears look to have a wrap around the bottom of the horns, an armband in looks like too. Also looks like they have a necklace or chest piece and paint on the tops and side of the nose now. There also aren't a cluster fuck or wrinkles around the snout now. The horns are more rounded and the eyes are

@BarbeQueQ: I never got to play Starcraft :Ghost, so yes, they have failed to deliver at least once

I saw the First finalist (Francis A.) and almost started celebrating, until I realized they weren't posting them as Last Name, First Initial. Total buzz kill. Congrats and good luck to all finalists though.

@Renor_Mirshann: I would assume that if you can render 6000 on screen during multi player, then there should be atleast that in single player.

@ThursdayNext: Nice, you should do that professionally

I never saw why this game got a bad rap. It was something different and the aggro feature was spot on. I also have no idea why everyone hates the banter between the two so much. I thought the convo's during gameplay was great, it kept things a little bit fresh while you were mowing people down. That, and the final

Welcome to Best Buy Stranger. What are ya' buyin?

@robinandtami: Maybe you should know what you're getting into if you've never played a game from the franchise. You're just disappointed with it because you were obviously expecting a FPS zombie adventure. The Resident Evil franchise has never been about running around mindlessly blasting zombies. However, I can see