
Just so long as you realize that your rationalization is the same one used by the white men and women that, not so long ago, rallied to hang black men on false accusations of rape.

redjellydonut sexually assaulted me last year. I have as much proof as some of those allegations against those on your stupid list. Please add yourself to the list.

So... we’re just throwing that whole “innocent until proven guilty” thing right out of the window whenever the claim or charge is abuse of some form, huh?

I have a couple of innocent male family members we can start with whose vindictive exes made similar claims and since a claim is now apparently all we need to

It’s almost surreal, almost pathological the degrees to which people will go to get their witch.

So, let me get this straight, Depp and Heard settled their divorce and each have moved on, but a bunch of people who have absolutely nothing to do with the situation and who the situation has no personal effect on do not feel sated, and as such the issue is not resolved until some form of public mob shaming is done to

Thank you random internet person who apparently is internet god?

Rogue One was the only good Star War movie in decades, TFA is not even as good as RotS

“The Force Awakens was needed to restart the franchise (you needed to basically retell the same story you did 38 years ago to wipe away the bad taste of talking about taxes for 3 movies), it needed to answer a ton of questions, and it needed it to set up the next 2 movies.”

I thought writers were supposed to be objective, without bias, slant or personal opinions mixed in...

Women’s bodies vs bodies of the infants is what the argument is.

I think there’s a difference between tone-deafness and appropriation.

That’s how storytelling goes. I mean that sincerely. As someone who studied Anthropology and actively enjoys it, most of our well-renowned stories are heavy rewrites/borrowings of other cultures’ tales/mythology.

Its not “cultural appropriation” in any way shape or form so just stop.

“appropriation” is just the most recent buzz word for complaining. When they started applying it to serving sushi in colege dorms it lost all meaning.

My argument is that it’s not cultural appropriation. And describing it as such is an insult to those who have helped change culture through literature, despite not being part of the affected group.

“However, using literature to critique a behavior is not cultural appropriation, it literature.”

I’m all for the side kicks and the female “spin off” characters to become full fledged characters in their own right. “She-”Hulk, “Ms.” Marvel, etc.

I’m all for evolution and growth in comics (Peter Parker before BND ruined it, Cyclops’ last decade, same w/ Magneto, etc.).

I understand “All New, All Different” Marvel

Boo-fucking-hoo ! It’s a fucking medieval fantasy snuff show, rape is part of it, grow up and get over it, it's not like the actress was raped in real life.

So Wikileaks was cool when they’re taking down Bush and the Republicans, but when they do the same to Clinton and the Democrats they’ve hit rock bottom?