
Last Guardian will be out sooner in 2016 than you think. Sony has ton’s of games coming this year, there just not shooters.

How did Microsoft win in your opinion, just curious?

So you were OK when Microsoft did the exclusive DLC repeetedly every year for Battlefield, Call of Duty, even Grand Theft Auto 4 Lost and Damned, Ballad of Gay tony?

MCC is not selling well now. Because of all the issues the game has had. Even within the past month or so they put out a update that screwed up Halo 1 stats, and aiming.

Then don’t buy a PS4 I guess? I use to love My xbox, but stopped after they stopped putting out NEW internally made IP’s.

You really have no clue do you? They have 3-4x the amount of studios under them than microsoft does. They have a slew of new studios dedicated to Morpheus games. They have in the works New God of war with Corey Barlog(director of God of war 2), Guerilla Games has Horizon which will be shown this E3, New Ratchet and

Dragon Quest hereos is 2015

So do you count Dragon Quest Heroes? Until Dawn? Rime? Everyone’s gone to the rapture? Ethan Carter?

If that were true it wouldn’t be selling still. And third party games like Mortal Kombat wouldn’t be selling well either. First Party is great to have, but Third party feeds sales.

GOW 3 remaster is targeted at people like me who will wait till it’s 20$ or less.

So is Sony, and they will actually show gameplay. Only games ready for release this year out of Microsoft’s first party is another Forza, Halo 5, and fable legends which I hear is garbage. Scalebound could be 2015, but I highly doubt it. Crackdown is late 2016 at best, and so is Gears.

Then don’t buy it? You have no clue how much money this company has put into first party games. When PS4 was ramping up to release we got The last of us, The puppeteer and GT 6 for PS3 all in the same year.

Well unfortunatley that will likely be the case. But we will see their early lineup for Morpheus, Uncharted 4 Multiplayer. Ratchet and Clank gameplay since that game is April 2016, Uncharted 4 is March. We’ll see Rime gameplay, Wild, Shadow of the beast, Hellblade, Dragon Quest hereos, project Horizon. A lot of those

They won’t though now that we have developers who make games on PC easily porting over their games to Consoles. During Cell CPU days it was a select few. with varied area’s of success.

E3 will change your mind on what’s to come for Sony.

Now playing

Please just stop the Nintendo fandom.

Please just stop the Nintendo fandom.

Yea, Ok?

Yea, Ok?

I agree. But at 300$ it’s too much for too little of a library. Especially if you owned a wii. Tropical freeze is HD Country returns. Kirby I hear looks good but isn’t that interesting, captain toad is just puzzles. 3D World, Mario Kart, Bayonetta 2, W101 Splatoon are the big must haves for unique games. Everything

I agree. But at 300$ it’s too much for too little of a library. Especially if you owned a wii. Tropical freeze is HD

Then why don’t circulate them better? Or package them in with the system? That’s what other companies do. W101 could have found it’s audience, but Nintendo gave that game the raw deal when it came to marketing. Why can’t you find a New copy of Bayonetta 2 on amazon? Game is less than a year old and has sold well in

Then why don’t circulate them better? Or package them in with the system? That’s what other companies do. W101 could