
It would rent for about $3000 a month in Manhattan.

One of the main reasons to scrutinize history is to discover what underpins thinking and behavior today. You can’t really do that if you gloss over malignant ideas and actions as simply “a product of their time”. The fact one can consider Wilson’s racism a norm is important in understanding how the nation evolved.

He’s actually been in every Marvel movie since Iron Man.

What’s the difference? I find no satisfaction in the suffering of 16 year old girls. It’s just sad.

No anger at yoga for appropriating the movements of animals?

This is great for the sport in the long run, because the women’s division is no longer about one phenomenal athlete. It’s even good for Rousey, if she can stage a comeback.

When the driverless car realizes that it is speeding through a fake city towards non-existent destinations, does it try to scream, only to find — to its horror — that it has no mouth?

Kent’s return to Smallville and his kryptonite induced split personality were actually handled quite well in Superman III, but the criminal misuse of Richard Pryor makes that movie more painful to watch. Superman IV: The Quest for Peace is the absolute cinematic nadir of the whole bunch, imo.

Yes, Pinkel deserves credit, but let’s keep it in perspective: Unionization threatened the NCAA business model while this action only threatens the career of one narrow minded University President. Its a virtuous decision that also has a benefit of playing to Pinkel’s self-interest as the leader of a lucrative

It makes perfect sense. The ejaculate draws defenders out to the three point perimeter, allowing an offensive drive from the tip of the key to the taint for a lay up, or thrust it back out to the flanking ball sacs for an easy two shot. Keep the ball moving and work the shaft. Penetrating analysis on Elliott’s part.

“Now that’s what I call great police work.”

I could understand, though not approve, Twitter and Facebook kowtowing to China, the C.I.A. or Taylor Swift. But doing it for Don Lemon? Mark this day as the beginning of end times the both social platforms.

“There there, Bell, at least you don’t have to dress like the Bee Girl anymore.”

Looks like his experience with martial arts is fairly limited, from his movements and balance. A little wrestling and boxing, maybe, with strength and size — and relative quickness for that size — making up for a lack of proficiency in either discipline. Not to get all combat snob, but his stance was too wide for

He’s not a bodybuilder, who concentrate on muscle size, definition and balance, often by isolating and working individual muscles. He’s a powerlifter and strength athlete, who concentrate on building explosive power to move heavy objects, which requires coordinated, rapid, athletic movement of the whole body. There is

I think this remake may be a mistake, but not because of the glut of remakes or even reservations about whether Ocean’s should be remade. I feel heist films are a persistent and refresh-friendly genre, but female focussed reinventions of classic films should at least feel original rather than carbon copies. The

Not the waistline I associate with a lifetime of picking cotton or dragging stone blocks up pyramids.

Angela Bassett all the way. She was born to play Storm. This is how she looked in the ‘90s (X-men came out in 2000) and she’s no less stunning today.

That is the weakest Punisher ever. Looks like he’s posing for the Sears Halloween costume. Frank Castle would never wear white sneakers.

Fuck that. The entire K family may be as vapid as hell, but I think they actually care about the people who have been part of their lives. Its not a party hanging around somebody in a coma-like state. Its scary, sad and disturbing.