
It must suck for Bryce Dallas Howard, a pretty good actress, looking so similar to Jennifer Chastain, who may be a great one.

For somebody who is not a fan of the Kardashians you sure know a hell of a lot about them. Thou protest too much, as they say.

She’s attracted to beautiful, talented (although never quite as talented as her) boys with poor impulse control. The heart wants what the heart wants, but I consider it a feat that this marriage lasted thirteen years.

I think women having been writing songs about breakups longer than society has actually allowed couples to break up.

Based, no doubt, on a syllabus created by TLC, Tammy Wynette, Carly Simon...

I kept telling you all Iggy Azalea wasn’t the real problem ...

It must be Death. Obviously, he was beyond Acceptance or Bargaining.

Clearly Damon was in the wrong, but the pitch reel of the candidates Effie wanted to include looked pretty bad, inferior to the caliber of work from the other finalists. I’m not sure what she saw in them. But I also have to wonder why the show couldn’t find diverse film makers with more talent.

I presume that means you REALLY like feet.

I’m not familiar with Greg Hardy. Is he the white douchebag in the video or the black one?

Donnie Yen is one of the greatest cinematic martial artists and action directors ever and Daniel Dae Kim is a likable tv star. But neither is in Ejiofor or Leung’s class as actors.

If they build it, he will come.

I want Rousey in movies because she has charisma and I love watching her fight, but she’s not ready for a role that requires real acting yet. I can see why she looks like a fit for Carol Danvers because both are tough, bawdy, disciplined, hot tempered and emotionally vulnerable. But, while she is a natural performer,

Frisky Dingo is criminally under appreciated.

I think she thinks of herself as simply a heartless, venal journalist getting the shot at all costs. And that is the absolutely best possible interpretation of her actions.

Great article. More like this.

I think Rousey is more a Rambo than a Dalton. I’d love to see her in a remake of First Blood.

I have a hard time sympathizing with anyone who invites Chris Brown to anything.

Confirmation bias.

And the twist at the end is that they were all raped.