jesus loves rotaries

No way. That brake problem is no joke on there, it’s not a simple brake booster, it’s a crazy power steering pump driven thing. If you do an engine swap, why not get the better M30B35 motor? And, why would it need an engine swap in the first place, M30’s are bulletproof.

Strictly in that sense, almost all multi-cylinder engines are more long than they are wide, with opposed motors being a clear exception among several lesser-known ones.

This image should give perspective on the overall compact nature of a rotary engine, even a 3-rotor which we are unlikely to ever see in a street

No, that isn’t accurate at all. An assembled 3-rotor is about the same size as a four-cylinder block.

How long have you had this ready?

That interior tho.

By making drastic design changes. Drastic like the difference between a flathead ford and current stratified injection.

You don’t even know what this new engine will be like, so let’s think about that before trying to use a 20+ year old engine to criticize one that’s not even out. Might as well say “The Apple Newton was terrible so obviously the iPhone must be terrible”

Don’t buy the hype? High power-to-weight, compact design, high efficiency in continuous operation? In 60 years of design and production, the Wankel has come further than the piston engine in 121 years. You sir, will be eating your words with hot sauce one day.

If the best street v8 you had was a chevy 305, you’d call v8s trash too. Give the wankel a chance to get properly updated.

That is an exaggeration. Mazda’s rotaries last a good long time if properly taken care of.

brap brap brap brap

I kind of wish there were more people who appreciated the unique aspects of the rotary engine and realized the “threat” to our natural world from the rotary menace is a touch exaggerated.

Cool turbo, bro.

Who cares about this?

There once was a Mazda in Texas

You seem to be putting far more energy in trolling me over this than I thought was possible. Good for you. I give you an A for effort.

I don't think anyone can disagree with the 787B

5 year old thread from Howard Coleman on