jesus loves rotaries

I would have been tempted on this if I hadn't picked up another E28 eta just last summer. It's an OK starting price for negotiation (as long as you're wearing a cup).

3rd Gear: Towing capacity is not about getting your load moving (you're probs not going to kill anyone with slow acceleration), it's being able to woah it all down quickly!

Not to say this doesn't work, but I've been on the forums for quite a while now and surprisingly have never seen this information circulated in the rotary enthusiast community. It is pretty much accepted that poor starting stems from low or less than desirable compression numbers. Low compression is caused by poor

I don't see any sign of said hipster or ruining here. Just a chill gear head and an awesome old car.


I think it's a NP to the right buyer... IF the creds check out as that would make it one unique car. Personally, I couldn't justify it with E28 M5's, E30 M3's or a nice Euro 635csi all well within that price range.

The three engines I can always call at a distance are:

1980-ish Subie GL. Specifically with hoof marks all over it from my hippy parents goats playing on it.

One reason why not is automotive fluids in a pond. Ah, rednecks.

"Who the hell paints a Ferrari refrigerator white!?" .... Chris Evans?

Isn't the answer always Miata?

Thank you for that video, never seen it before.


The only thing this car has going for it is what's under the hood. It loses major points for what is in the transmission tunnel and that bloody barf of an interior is irreconcilable. Is that cardinal on tan? Really? Sweet jesus, that's ugly.

Better driver's ed where students are taught car control at the limits. You don't want to figure out for the first time how to correct oversteer, etc on public roads. It would never fly, but it may cause people to feel pride in their skill as a driver and start to enjoy driving rather than looking at it as a chore.

Unburnt fuel. You don't average 17mpg by being efficient! I also pre-mix 2 stroke oil for better seal lubrication.

I tried. Honestly, you could easily group it with the Supra. Many chicks would have a hard time differentiating.

As in exhaust fumes, not the interior!

Right. Same deal, wouldn't it take just a little programming to make it happen? Or is ELSD/TRACS pretty much standard equipment on all ABS cars now?