
I love depressing bluegrass.

Your ears lead right to your sinuses though.

Love the bunkers up at the Marin headlands, some of them have really awesome acoustics.

I bought a hex screw driver and I just take it apart and wipe it down with a clorox wipe.

I'll never understand how Russians/Ukrainians sit down with balls that big.

They would probably consider us to have a relative consciousness to insects. Hopefully they wouldn't find a need to eradicate us. Hopefully since they were programmed to interface with humans they would share some of the same human emotions (like empathy). Some type of 3-Laws scenario.

Nor-Cal going rate is about $40-$50 for an 8th of an ounce. So around $150 for an ounce (given that you're buying in "bulk") Of course this is premo club-grade Tomatoes*.

Not a bad idea. Reducing our dependence on Mexican Tomatoes* would be worth it alone. Their country has been ravished by our demands. $1,000 seems a little steep though.

Well bureaucracy goes hand-in-hand with democracy. Whenever you let public opinion dictate how government is run you end up with bureaucracy. Is what I was trying to say. No?


I agree, but these days Dubstep has many electro elements, especially down-sampling. This was definitely on the dirtier side.

No doubt that technology increases the bureaucracy. However I think bureaucracy is important (even though extremely expensive) because it affords us the insight gained from dissecting every problem and understanding it thoroughly. Perhaps in the future we can just program A.I. to process and debate all view points and

I've always been an advocate for the Kathy Diet.

Star Trek theme remix!? What the what!? Oh.. yeah that tablet thingy is pretty pimp too.

Perhaps these soldiers are being exploited to some degree for this documentary; but I would hate to think that we let their courage and sacrifice be forgotten. I agree that maybe he wouldn't want us to see that he was so emotionally compromised by his experiences, but on the other hand he must know that others suffer

Agreed! I don't have kids, I'm just drawing on what I remember from being in middle school; before girls or music came into the equation.

I don't pretend to understand what these soldiers went through, but I think they'd be grateful that someone is giving us a glimpse of their perspective.

There might be a possibility that he just did this for the lulz, but the Iranian government got their hands on him and threatened him before NYT interviewed him.

I personally would want to have my kid watching a popular TV show so that he would have something to discuss with the kids at his school. I think it's good for kids to have a common social bond that can lead to further discussion and social interaction.