Alex Coulombe

congrats man— glad to hear it. what was that transition process like for you? how did you find a job? did anyone help you? I live in NYC and it kills me to see so many homeless people… what do you think the best thing is I can do to help besides giving to my local food shelf? If someone strikes me as clean (hard to

out of curiosity— are you back on your feet, and if so, how did you do it?

great point!


Hello fellow AV Club readers!! I made this trailer and it thrills me to no end whenever I'm featured on Great Job Internet, as dubious a title as that may be. The last time I made the cut was for a Breaking Bad/ Weird Al Mashup I did a couple years back.

I can't tell if you're complimenting the trailer or not :/

By way, for anyone interested in game design, the folks at Camoflaaj made a huge amount of stuff available for download into Unity 5 (the game engine they used, of which there is a free edition). There's a lot to learn just from that!

I agree. This was a totally solid episode~!

please no more supercuts. please.

This was actually a really lovely and thoughtful review of a book I have no intention of reading. Well done Sonia!

They speak of the human condition. Check this out! I turned my Sims story into a film (no judgment)

THAT's what should be playing at the end of this:

I turned my Sims story into a short film! (I only really played the original Sims…)

Look what I made!

Also, Breaking Bad!

Guess I'm going to Madison Square Park on Friday.

I guess Andy Dick lost his six pack…


one thing that struck me as silly in Ozymandias when they are doing the flashback to the first time Walt ever lied to Skyler— why didn't they have Anna Gunn in the right HAIR COLOR? That would have been so easy. But yeah, I've been distracted by how her mouth, neck, cheeks, and overall figure have been constantly in