Alex Coulombe

what what what? I loved Six Feet Under and have no memory of her. Who was she?

I still love Breaking Bad, but the more I watch it, the more I feel like Anna Gunn was the weakest link. And this isn't coming from some kind of misogynistic or 'stop ruining all of Walt's fun!' kind of place. I just find her acting one-dimensional and her physical weight/plastic surgery fluctuations to be incredibly

Ah, forgive me. You're right.

Jack's tatoos and Across the Sea were both written by Cuse and Lindelof.

My first thought exactly!

GI Joe/Game of Thrones mashup… to celebrate Community.

Thank God they didn't go with Hideo's original idea where the Boss was called 'the laughing snake' because her boobs would jiggle when she fired her machine gun and the scar up her middle seemed to be 'laughing'. Yikes.

Fair enough. I don't really play any stealth or action games except for the Metal Gear Solid series, so I've always judged the game on its own rather than as a comparison to other popular games. Every so often I've heard someone say 'oh they're doing this like in Splinter Cell' or 'oh they're doing this like in Call

Exactly. I think Phantom Pain is going to be a game that would be well worth $100, but I know they won't charge that, so I forgive them for bloating the price of Ground Zeroes.

That Pizza Hut demo disc! Yeah man, me too. What else did it have on it? Tomb Raider? Gran Turismo? Crash Bandicoot? Who cares, I must've logged 30 hours with the MGS demo :)

Kojima has said he wanted a real actor who would take advantage of their new facial-capture technology, an actor who could convey subtle emotion through little changes in expression and movement. He didn't think David Hayter was up to the task. I disagree.

please elaborate?

I'm with you all the way. I love everything about the game and think it was totally worth the money.

I love Bryan Fuller so much. I love how excited he is for people to see upcoming episodes. JUST YOU WAIT!!

Guys, just wait till you see my GI Joe PSA/Game of Thrones mashups.

Fair enough. I don't begrudge you your opinion— as you say, it's all subjective. Hannibal without a doubt is more stylized than True Detective, but I guess I just don't find it as goofy as you do.

Wow. Okay, agree to disagree. I felt True Detective's two leads became caricatures (see this excellent parody:… while I'm continually fascinated by the depth of Hannibal and Will Graham who, unlike the trope-characters of Marty and Rust, are unlike anyone I've ever seen on television

Meh. Hannibal's better.

The Shield, anyone?

Seems like Dean was getting itchy toward the end of Breaking Bad— apparently he kept asking to be killed off and Vince refused and kept him under contract. Shame.