Alex Constantine

Monsanto scooped up these companies to upgrade its seed supply and distribution ends. It owns them. Subsidiaries bought or sold (eg. the acquisition of Searle by Parmacia) does not negate anything I've said. It is the same old Monsanto.

I made no "claims." You are making claims, however, in a weak attempt to shrug off the facts. In Dec. 1999, Pharmacia & Upjohn merged with Monsanto, and the conglomerate calls itself "Pharmacia Corp." Monsanto is the agricultural division, retains the name, and it is still very much alive, kicking and killing. The

Monsanto was the leading corporate bridge to Nazi Germany during WW II. Other companies supported the Nazi regime (IBM, Standard Oil, GE, DuPont, ITT, etc.), but Monsanto was and IS the model fascist corporation … but, wait, am I "ranting?" Taking "potshots?" Monsanto's postwar history has been about paying scientific