
To be fair, while violence is distasteful, I’m not sure it’s distasteful in the same way that groping little girls is distasteful.  

You know, this is a horseshit comment, and while your intentions are no doubt good, you appear to have forgotten where you’re aiming. This is Kotaku. We have our faults, but pulling punches ain’t one of them.

That’s not a correction. “Some” is the obvious and expected qualifier to that statement. Some Christians all over the country. Some men are trash. Some white people are racist.

Comments critiquing this blog for being moderately lefty and not straight journalism are one of the more exhausting parts of kinja-era AV Club.

In the field of psychology, the DunningKruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people of low ability have illusory superiority and mistakenly assess their cognitive ability as greater than it is.

Because he was clearly trying to groom her and got emotionally abusive. Seriously, this is not a hill worth dying on

Definitely going to have apologists out here defending the service like with every post about this but I fully agree with you. It doesn’t matter how much the service is, if you’re the flagship online service for one of the biggest games in gaming, you have to be held to the standards of your competition at least on a

My distaste in the service’s launch is pretty immeasurable. I have this image saved on my phone so I continue to remember that I’m not paying for a product.

Wat? I played several spider man games on various consoles.

That’s absolutely true, but they belong to an often shady “brotherhood” that frequently places generating revenue above the health and safety of the public, and maintains a culture that shields its worst members of any repercussions from their bad acts, regardless of the severity (up to and including murdering

No one really cares what cops want to do, they care about what cops actually do.

So they aren’t cops.

They just don’t go fulfilling the will of the State.

I know nothing about Lynch nor Massachusetts politics, but pulling nearly 25% against a 16-year member of Congress seems like a pretty good showing even for all the flaws she acknowledged with her campaign.

I have zero desire to get into the mess surrounding Wu (as Gamergate is and always has been toxic as fuck, and founded on a number of fallacy-laden arguments)

Former enlisted here, myself. I wasn’t that turned off by it. It wasn’t a Kellen Winslow “i’m a soldier!” type of statement, or even a statement necessarily about her personal experience (she doesn’t say “I feel like a soldier in World War II.”) She’s probably right. I’d say the majority of those in combat would

Pardon me as I suit up for all the toxic comments here.

Yes, AMC “investigations” of “will we lose more money to keep Hardwick or to get rid of him” 

maybe, but Microsoft has a history of going in hard on very Japanese games, from Panzer Dragoon to Jet Set Radio. I’d bet their reluctance was commercial more than anything else.

Great List. I’d add, as honorable mentions:

When Vikings Attack
Jackbox Party Pack 2(or 3)
Rivals of Aether
Trials HD
Disc Jam
Genital Jousting
MegaByte Punch
Pix the Cat
Samurai Gunn
Ultimate Chicken Horse
Stickfight The Game
Invisigun Heroes
Duck Game