
Bad take dude

The world is horrible so we should all be horrible to each other because that’s just the way it is and should be.

it Let me remind everyone that while Steam should at the very least tell him why his game was pulled from Steam, this is not censorship in any way, shape or form as Eek’s game was not banned by the government and he can still have his game ready for download on any other website that he chooses. Eek making changes to

Had you at Metroidvania but you hate forced repetition.... hmmm... something doesn’t quite add up there.

This really has nothing to do with their servers and more to do with cellular service providers.

Rising Thunder, probably. The studio that was making that game got bought by Riot and they shut down development on it.

Tell this to my brother, who is 18 months younger than me but whose only run-ins with the wrong side of authority figures came as he went through school and had to convince still-in-therapy teachers that “I’m Roger and Debbie’s good kid.” The firstborn was the little juvenile delinquent.

That company’s stocks are going to have a Ard’time recovering from this fiasco.

A human being died in a bizarre accident. Have a modicum of respect.

That’s funny, because my Canadian friend wasn’t gonna buy ARMS because it was too expensive for him.

It’s definitely a fun and charming game, but the lack of content kinda makes it hard to justify a $60 price tag, especially when compared to Injustice 2 and Tekken 7.

Could we get an edit on that headline and remove the word “captured”? She was a young girl, not an escaped convict or an animal that needed to be picked up somewhere. She was not captured. She was abducted. She was kidnapped and murdered.

I’d agree if it weren’t easy to just scoop them up with Cappy. There’s also coins leading out from the moving platforms in the sand level, that doesn’t necessarily imply you should jump after them: in fact, you’re supposed to use Cappy there to collect them.

This was actually the one and only thing I saw about this game that I disliked. When any and all logic says you’d get punished for doing that, why would I ever even consider doing it? It actually seemed like bad design to me. If the coins were in the arc of a jump or Cappy couldn’t reach them, it would be a better

This absolutely pisses me off. I got two characters full geared out on Generations for the preparation of Generations 2. God Damnit I WANT MY G-RANK HUNTS.

More like tripping over there own feet.

How is this DLC done right? The first batch of DLC, barring the new outfits, is basically what you would expect from a free update on most other games.

Can I get some of that crack your smoking?

<Typical fanboy response defending Nintendo>

Uh that map thing and the fast travel point sound like features that should just be added to the vanilla game via free patch. They’re quality of life improvements that nobody should have to pay for as part of DLC. In fact, this entire package seems like a small portion of the free updates we got for Witcher 3 long