
Wow. Go fuck yourself, Ubi. Seriously. Fuck. You.

PC gaming not included here. Brace yourselves.

More and more of the Xbox One just looks useless for me. I have little interest in all the things they've added.

This is also the first video that reveals his secret workout technique. He calls it 'Making simple activities as physically exhausting as possible.'

Dammit, Walter, we told you not to use your own product.

yeah, totally agree. The third party devs still working on Wii U games should be making extra bonus content on that system to entice more people to jump ship over to Nintendo's platform. But Nintendo's got to maybe throw a little cash at some of these companies to get them to do this which I doubt they want to do.

Tell me, how it would play them?, with the buttons in the middle?.

And what about fighting games?

1. Different Pokemon, items available in each game. Perhaps different locations as well if Black/White were any indication.

Do third parties actively try to get their games not to sell on Wii U? Jesus. I was going to buy this but forget that. I'm not paying 20 dollars more for a few extra features.

Uggggghh. I want it on Wii U but I am also absurdly cheap. I also don't really want to reward this type of thing, but want Square-Enix to put more games on the Wii U.

Sorry folks, we won't port the next Deus Ex to the Wii U because nobody bought the other one.

Words to live by. But in an age when cross-platform games are increasingly common, I honestly believe that if Nintendo simply released a console on par spec-wise with rivals and free of unique features, it would come out on top. Just think, you could play all the third party games you want, plus Nintendo titles.

Does this mean no Watch Dogs DLC on Wii U also?

This right here. This is where Nintendo needs to put its damm Iron Boot down. Why can't the Wii U version have DLC? Why does Nintendo let companies gimp their versions of the multiplatform games they actually do get? Ugh.

I can unfortunately confirm that the 3DS version lacks its multiplayer component. Nothing more fun than hitting the big bosses with a full party of friends on the PS2 version, but at least the load times are drastically shorter, not to mention the fact that it's a huge 3D rpg that you can take anywhere. One of my

You’re down with the idea of playing as a teenage girl.

I was super excited for Sunset Overdrve until I saw the combat. Why does everything need combat? Why couldn't it have just been parkour funtimes?

No fighting games? Fail.