
Sorry, gotta disagree with you there. If they screen testing Finn with Mike, at least we could say "this show is terrible, but at least their relationship will work for Defenders". Power Man and Iron Fist is one of my all time favorite relationships in the Marvel universe. This news kind of makes me think that they

True. I'm not sure if the problem is bad fight choreography or Finn Jones or both? I have a problem with the decision to hold back on the Iron Fist because I think the magic element would've really made this series stand out compared to the others. He's the only one with abilities that deal more in mysticism and

I did not know it was possible for me to be even more disappointed. I mean everyone knows how important the Power Man and Iron Fist relationship is. I feel like Finn's casting makes even less sense now.

Pretty great review!

The decision to focus on Rand-Meachum was terrible. It's like if Batman focused on Wayne Enterprises or if Daredevil was a legal drama.

Me too. Although, I'm not sure how high my expectations should've been in the first place, to be honest.

10 eps in and this show is nowhere near the other 3 series. Even the intro is bad.

I'm still not sure what to think about this show. I gave last week's ep a C+ for some hokey line delivery but this weeks was somehow worse to me. I gave this one a C- for the same reason + a boring, predictable case of the week and boring flashbacks. I agree, this show would have been better if it had been more fun

I totally agree with you! I think it's consistently entertaining and doesn't shy away from making their characters look like complete jerks.

This is one of the most underrated shows I enjoy on Showtime. I've never really met anyone who's seen it or even knows that it's about which is such a shame because it's consistently great. I love all of the characters and I think they've always stayed true to them. I adored this past season and I can't wait for the

I feel the opposite, actually. I think they set Real SHIELD up to look like a bunch of violent hypocrites. Most of the comments here seem to say that they got the feeling some of the agents of Real SHIELD would have killed Skye despite Bobbi saying "She's one of us", their violent entrance when taking over the Bus,

I really enjoyed this ep and I think the grade is accurate. I am a Skye fan but I'll admit, this is the first time in a long time I think they've managed to do something interesting with her story. I really liked Gordon taking her on as an apprentice and tryign to help her the way her mother helped him. I like that

I'm kind of hoping they do the traditional "Was any of it real?" storyline with Fitz and Mack that happens whenever there's an uncover betrayal type thing. Their friendship was one of my favorite aspects of this season and it really sucked to watch it dwindle over the last few eps. They're really great together.

I'm wondering if they'll decide to up the pressure to subscribe by removing their music from Spotify. Would that be a loss for them? I have no idea how much they make from Spotify streaming in comparison to this travesty. Madonna sounds extra desperate trying to get people to join.

This is kind of the only aspect i care about. I'm definitely not abandoning my Spotify Student discount to pay 4x that a month for like 3 artists I care about. Even buying their albums individually is cheaper in the long run than paying for this.