
Honestly wtf it’s her birthday would u like if someone just kept hating and hating on u when it’s ur bday??? Omg she dresses cute she dresses the way she wants to so just stop being a hater and following people with there hate god wish her a happy birthday for gods sake

Preach finally someone that doesn’t hate

Omg wtf it’s her fking birthday she has style and second why the hell are u fking hating on her style and shit like wtf is wrong with taking pictures of ur pregnancy she has a miscarriage the first time she got pregnant so each time she does it’s a blessing and she also just wants to savior the moment with pictures of

she is slaying it’s called a oversized jacket FYI it’s her birthday so Instead of pointing out what u don’t like about someone wish her a happy birthday and and every one has a opinion so cardi thinks a way about colorism so?? Wha do u care it’s queen beys birthday so wish her a happy birthday and stop hating💁🏽💁🏽