
She comes off as a true believer amongst hucksters. It’s like willful blindness.

I have yet to stop being amazed that there are so many conservatives, especially conservative women, who for some reason think they’re or will be the exception to the general cruelty the GOP directs.

He’s not infertile, he was told he was unlikely to be able to get anyone pregnant because of low motility and took it as an opportunity to stop pulling out/ investing in the morning after pill.

I can’t when Flake is naming his book to recall Goldwater’s and based on the excerpt I read, referencing it regularly. Also, they’re both Arizona Republicans, that has to be some kind of tradition. (Or at least Flake says so.)

It’s a nod to Barry Goldwater’s book The Conscience of a Conservative, trying to say that “we on the right may have lost our way, but our ideals are solid.”

He’s also trying to put some distance between what’s going on and “Core Republican values”, acting like Trump isn’t a direct descendent of Goldwater, Nixon, Regan, the Bushes etc.

It’s a great movie, unfortunately it didn’t do well at the box office.

Remember in the 1990s when Marissa Tomei and Robert Downey Jr. were in a rom-com together?

The Jewish Members of my family emigrated to the USA before WWI so any family I had that died in the Holocaust is distant (and abstract) and yet, still this is the most horrifying, offensive use of the Holocaust I’ve ever come across.

He didn’t hire her back for the third one, she hasn’t made any Transformers movies since. They buried the hatchet and she was cast in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies, which he produced but didn’t direct.

Jones had cameo appearances in Waking Life and A Scanner Darkly. Jones and Linklater are both from Austin TV and Linklater used him as local color. 

Every time I hear about Alex Jones, which is unfortunately often, I feel bad for ever having watched anything that could have contributed to his rise. I am especially saddened that this includes two Richard Linklater movies,.

As someone who was born in the Reagan administration, did anyone predict how dangerous this would become at the time? I know things started to change really quickly but when did people realize it was bad?

I don’t know the details of Mantana laws regarding assault, but I know that the charges against GIanforte are misdemeanor.

True, and Montana doesn’t allow people to change early voting despite the fact that the Secretary of the State was inundated with calls asking if they could.

A lot to the talk of moral responsibility is just about keeping the patriarchy in power. It’s about valuing macismo over naything else.

By all accounts, he was very conserned about GOP criticism of the Bureau.

Ailes and Bush had a kind of synergy going on, especially in the beginning of his presidency. A cementing of what the narrative should be that was slow to be disproved. Ailes did more actively to promote Trump, but their combined promotion of the Iraq war and many conservative talking points laid a lot of the

If anyone has recommendations of novels set in those period I welcome them!

It had a season finale end like that, but that wasn’t the series finale.