So refreshing to finally have a government that isn’t made up of delicate little snowflakes like the left is made up of.
So refreshing to finally have a government that isn’t made up of delicate little snowflakes like the left is made up of.
Out of all of the incredible things Isabelle Huppert owns—the respect of moviegoers worldwide, a Golden Globe, a…
It’s not a secret that celebrities charge designers to wear their clothes at award shows. An A-lister such as Streep can make anywhere from $100,000 to $250,000. So, it is completely believable for me to think that she ditched him because someone was willing to pay her. Which, again, I think is tacky.
“I wouldn’t have to keep making shitty movies if you didn’t spend all my money!”
I don’t want this to overshadow the fact that he is a genuinely lovely man, but if you’re in your 50s and you still can’t grow a proper beard, it’s probably time to stop trying.
What? Is this your first Real Housewives episode ever? BH: The Agency, Pump/Villa Blanca/SUR; NY: SkinnyGirl, eBoost, Pop of Color, TrUE ReNeWal/True Faith; OC: Cut Fitness, Coto Insurance, whatever the Bellinos were peddling that week, etc.
I cannot wait for the reunion when Andy asks Porsha what’s wrong with being gay or bisexual.
Dear god, do you write for this show? That was amazing.
100% with Kandi on this. She is very open about sex and her sex life and, as she noted, “even owns a toy company”. She has no shame about it b/c she knows there is nothing to be ashamed about. What purpose would lying about specific details do for her? She would literally be the first person to say, yeah, “Shamea and…
I firmly believe Sandra shouldn’t have gotten an award for Blind Side. She’s a wonderful woman and I love her forever but that’s movie was trite and moralistic.
Her next meeting with her casting agent. “OK just bring me a fucking bear to fight.”
Pretty much everything that comes out of Hollywood is formulaic, mediocre, repititive pap. If Lala Land is the big contender, you know the bar is really low, and you can see how desperate we all are for any kind of escapism, even if it’s pretty shitty.
And why don’t those damn kids get off my lawn?! And what’s a “Moonlight” anyway?!
I love these Oscar ballots!
Wait, the voter is arguing Meryl Streep wouldn’t have gotten nominated without the speech? Really?
Kanye’s next business venture: makeup.
How long until we can say “Oscar winner Amy Adams?” Is that really too much to ask? I mean...she’s one of the best.
You will never be able to convince me that Keanu Reeves is not the saddest man in the whole world.
Eastern Europeans engaging in blatant racism? SHOCKING.